They said
Thank you for the recording of Pa se sliš. Congratulation, it sounds very beautiful. I am glad to learn, that the song touched your heart, which is evident in the arrangement. » Matej Šarc / General Director of the Slovenian Philharmonic and Artistic Director of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
« Thank you very much for your arrangement of Pa se sliš. My heartfelt congratulations! The arrangement is fresh, original, and highly captivating. » Sebastjan Vrhovnik / Artistic Director of the Slovenian Philharmonic Choir and Assistant Director of the Slovenian Philharmonic
« Congratulations on your beautiful music. We will keep you in mind. Good luck! » Rosa / Ragazze Quartet
« Thank you very much for your nice music, that is really beautiful! »
Csaba SOMOS/ Hungarian National Choir choir conductor
« Bravo pour votre remarquable productivité, c’est impressionnant ! » Gérard Hilpipre, compositeur
« I loved your music – especially the music for St. Clement! I love the colors, orchestration, and the resonant space! I sense a sacred space listening to your sacred works in particular, and love your voice-leading throughout your compositions! » Ian Guthrie
« I found your pieces absolutely amazing and profoundly beautiful. » Daria DAVIDOVA
« Merci pour toute cette merveilleuse musique. Ton langage est sincère et transmetteur de sérénité ,de beauté. » Nicole CORTI
A propos de Healing song pour duduk: « Cher Jean, Nous tenons à te remercier d’avoir partagé ta composition, « Healing Song – լեռան տակ – Sous le mont Ararat », pour duduk solo. Ta musique capture véritablement l’essence de l’âme arménienne et touche les cœurs des auditeurs. La mélodie émotionnelle et les tonalités profondes du duduk créent une ambiance captivante. Ta profonde appréciation pour cet instrument unique transparaît dans ta composition. Nous sommes reconnaissants de pouvoir découvrir ta belle musique. Elle met en valeur ta créativité et nous connecte à la riche culture arménienne. Ton expression musicale rassemble les amis et les amateurs de musique arménienne. Nous apprécions ton talent et ton dévouement à perpétuer l’esprit arménien. Continue à partager ton travail avec nous. Chaque fois que tu as de nouvelles compositions liées à la musique arménienne, nous serions ravis de les écouter et de te soutenir. Merci pour ton incroyable talent et ta contribution à la musique arménienne. »
Tigran KESHISHYAN Armenian National Music
« Thank you for your beautiful work. It is a completely new tonality I hear in many of the songs, and I am happy and humbled to have found these magnificent arrangements and sounds by you! »
« Interesantisimo curriculum . Espero encontrar la ocasión de trabajar con usted. »
José Luis BASSO
» I’ve had a look at your compositions. Congratulations. You do a very good work really. »
Javier BUSTO
» Beautiful pieces! Thank you very much for your music. I would love to see and study the score to a number of your compositions, as I find them very beautiful and suitable for either the Danish National Girls’ Choir or one of the younger choirs from the Danish National Choir School. »
Phillip FABER Chief conductor DR PigeKoret / Danish National Girls Choir
« Your music is always very interesting. I hope that we can work together one day. » Roberto FORES VESES
« Your music is very beautiful, Jean-Christophe! I listened to the first two piano pieces, which were very different (I like that), and also the solo cello piece, which is very moving. Thanks so much! » Maria CORLEY
« I am happy to have listened to your music. I liked it very much. I hope to perform your music. »
» I feel so familiar to your music. It is a gift for me to have met you! I will be hearing more of your music in the coming days. Their warmth makes me happy. Your music is so human, and it speaks. Thank you! Sincerely yours. » Till Alexander KOERBER composer / Austria
« I have enjoyed discovering your music. Congratulations on your many excellent compositions. »
Thomas BRAMEL, composer, President Three Essential Elements, Ltd.
« Thank you also for sharing your beautiful work with me. It is a completely new tonality I hear in many of the songs, and I am happy and humbled to have found these magnificent arrangements and sounds by you. You have wonderful work! » Khatchadour »What a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I really enjoyed listening to your inspired writing. I appreciate your talent, and especially your knowledge and appreciation for fine, sophisticated and tuneful string composition! I will definitely keep you in mind for any collaborative opportunities… » Richard ALTENBACH composer
« I do find your music interesting and attractive. You could indeed compose something effective and attractive for carillon, which I hope you may be persuaded to do. » John GOUWENS
« Your compositions are beautiful! It made me happy to hear beauty in this time of darkness in the US, just as you said, a message of love, peace and light! » Laura TOHE Poet, Writer, Librettist, Scholar of Indigenous American Literature Navajo Nation Poet Laureate / Tsénahabiłnii, Sleepy Rock People clan, and born for the Tódich’inii, Bitter Water clan
» I personally think that it shows that you are more musically gifted if you can bring us different kinds of music than just playing the same thing tune after tune. I like your music very much because of its diversity and you are not tryin’ to repeat yourself or any artist out there. I appreciate the creativity you put into your music style. From a true fan of all your music. » Ollie DOWNS
» Your music is very beautiful and simple but most of all innovative and unique. » Tamara
« I think this phrase would express how I connect with your music « If I were the boss at major record company, I would definitely sign a deal with you immediately! » Isidro KENDRICK
« Estimado Jean-Christophe, todo un feliz descubrimiento para mi, por lo cual debo felicitarlo y agradecerle que haya compartido conmigo tan maravillosas obras. Gracias!!! Mi agradecimiento será eterno! Llegaste a mi corazón y a mi alma con tu música. Muchas gracias Maestro! Simplemente maravilloso! estoy realmente emocionado, ilusionado y agardecido por este hecho, es todo un honor para mi que obras mías hayan inspirado esta música. Me ha gustado mucho la composición. Como sincera es la enhorabuena que quiero brindar al Maestro y padre de la pieza. Gracias!!!
Estimado artista de la tierra! feliz encuentro, con este magnífico resultado artístico!
Voy a seguir divulgando tu trabajo, porque creo que debe conocerlo todo el mundo. Hoy aún me han llegado más comentarios positivos sobre tus composiciones y eso me alegra el corazón. »
Gran agradecimiento hacia tu persona y tu obra
Hola « Artista de la tierra », acabo de recibir tu agradable sorpresa! Me ha encantado tener en mis manos la partitura de una de tus obras y que además me gusta mucho.
La ha estado mirando mi padre también y le ha parecido una magnífica obra, ha sido un verdadero regalo!
Espero que tu talento, tu sensibilidad y creatividad, sigan creando maravillosa música para deleite de la humanidad.
Es un auténtico placer poder compartir contigo el Arte y la Música, mezclada con amistad, es una suerte poder compartir con almas sensibles y generosas tu trabajo, así que gracias a ti Maestro.«
Pere RIBERA painter Spain
» You really have a very large repertoire of music – very exciting! » Sonja MISCHOR
« I have listened to a few of your compositions and I complement you for your inspirational work in the Vocal, Choral and Instrumental compositions. I look forward to listening over and over again. »
Marina CASSIDY harp Ireland
I feel like I’m giving you with my music a mirror in your hands So you can see the things in your music you didn’t recognize before It’s beautiful what’s you’ve created Hope you can see the beauty in you. »
Maria CHABO singer songwriter
» Congratulations for your good production. » Marco CIANNELLA composer pianist conductor / Italy
» Exiting things you are doing yourself! » Mike HECCHI Germany
» I’m very excited about your music. » Olivia ANTHONY VAGLINI / Italy
« Du komponierst sehr schön! Und ich hoffe das du damit auch Erfolg hast. Ich würde weiterhin sehr gern deine Musik! » Georg KAPLAN Hungary-Switzerland
Your music sounds wonderful! » Sigurður SAEVARSSON composer / Iceland
« I really love your music ! » Brais CALLES handpan / Spain
« I loved this beautiful collection of musics that pleases the ears of humanity! » Samuel ETO’O
« The compositions I’m listening to are very beautiful and so fascinating. Seul dans La Steppe, No Man’s Land, Par delà le temps, Hanabi, Fireworks, Trois chansons jurassiennes are very personal compositions fill of rarefied and thoughtful atmosphere. »
Daniele CORSI composer member of SIMC – Società Italiana di Musica Contemporanea / Italy
« These works are transcendent. » Lucinda WILLIAMS team
» Wow! this is astounding. Your tracks are super good, we Keep on replaying them just to enjoy. You are talented. Our listeners will be so amazed with your track. » Emeh TERENCE for Rising Star Underground Radio Inc.
Congratulations for all your creations. Your work is very impressive, a part of the musical continuity of the great composers of the end of the century that I admire so much. I listened to some of your pieces but there are so many that I will gladly go back to them from time to time! We forget that there are still great creators such as you in our time who moreover are part of our time and offer an artistic and sensitive transcendence of contemporary events! Another huge Bravo! » Jean-Christophe GREGOIRE ALBERTINI chanteur chef de choeur EnsembleVocal Piano Voce
» I listened some of your music and I really like. » Giovanni CHIAPPARINO composer, Italy
« Very interesting and wonderfull! » Franz SCHUESSELE Alphorn player / Germany
« May your creative gifts be a mirror for the listener of the direct connection with all that is sacred. I look forward to hearing more of your music as it appears and wish you success in your life and that your music be a medicine that awakens joy in the hearts of all beings. »
Venerable Dhyani YWAHOO Chief of the Green Mountain Band of Ani Yun Wiwa Nation Tsalagi (Cherokee)
« Beautiful! You write extremely well! »
« Thank you! I feel blessed to know you in this life…Keep your music alive… It sounds great and I feel your heart and soul in all that you do and share with the world… » Will N.
« Escuché algunas de tus piezas, que me encantaran por presentar me un mundo de la musica contemporânea que poco conozco. » Alex CERVENY artist / Brasil
« What a beautiful contemporary music!!! » Anna SCOTT
» I very much liked your work, especially the Native Indian Songs. » Stelios KYRIAKIDIS
» I have listened to some of the links you sent and I like them very much. » Benjamin ELLIN composer conductor England
« I heard your music and I like it a lot! I think you have a real talent to do something original, well sounding and contemporary in the music world today. » Ilia MILAYLOV conductor The Great Voices of Bulgaria
When we met at the Florilège Vocal de Tours 2015, Serguei EKIMOV, composer and musical director, member of the Union of Composers of Russia and the Union of personalities concerts in St. Petersburg, artistic director of the International Choral Festival of Saint -Petersburg « Singing World », artistic director and conductor of the Female Choir of the Musical College of Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg, artistic director and conductor of the Concert Choir of the State University of Culture and Arts of St. Petersburg « assured me of his gratitude for all of my choral work.«
« I have been very impressed by the music you have composed » Peter MUELLER Germany
« Wonderful and charming music! It reminds me also a bit Ravel. I hope we will find an opportunity to work together. I will be glad to perform your wonderful music. Really like it! » Anna GORYACHOVA mezzo-soprano
» Your work is beautiful so I’ll bear you in mind for future. » Eurielle Classical Crossover
» Your work is great! » Maestro Esteban Louise Aineceder Director artístico y musical del Coro Nacional del SODRE. Montevideo, Uruguay.
« I find your work original and ingenious. » Ariel ALONSO conductor of Choeurs de la Sorbonne, Mélanges and Limours France / Argentina
“Your work is amazing!” Gabriel Emanuel ARNOLD composer pianist / Switzerland
« It’s such a pleasure to hear from you and find out about your incredible and impressive body of works and talent ! Thanks a lot, the feeling is absolutely mutual! » Clarice ASSAD symphonic and chamber music composer, pianist, arranger, vocalist and educator NY
« I heard some of the music on your website and liked it very much! » Sergio ASSAD
« I have discovered your website with interest and listened to some excerpts with great pleasure! Congratulations, it’s a great job! »
Patrick-Marie AUBERT choirmaster of the French Army, the Capitol, the Opera of Paris.
« Congratulations for your work! » Camilla BARBARITO
« We listen your wonderful music and we are enthusiastic of to collaborate with you! Quintet Barutti / Italy.
« It is always nice and interesting for me to know good music and musician. »
Filippo Maria BRESSAN conductor / Italy.
« I have listened to some of your pieces and they are very impressive. » Helen BRUCE mezzo
« It’s a very beautiful universe you are creating! » Stefan BAUR saxophone, Trio Zoom Danemark.
« Thanks to your music and poems, the day begins well! Everything is beautiful, with great humor. «
Michèle BELFILS, composer, pianist.
« We have read with the attention it deserves the music you offer for an Eucharistic prayer. This music is of high quality. It reflects the interest you show in your desire to give a music of quality to the liturgy. » Emmanuel BELLANGER, director of the Institute of Sacred Arts, lecturer in church music and liturgy at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Sciences PKI, editor of the NARTHEX site, a site dedicated to sacred art, heritage and creation, titular organist of the parish of St. Honore d’Eylau in Paris.
« I really enjoy your compositions. I taste it first writing, the sensitivity, but also stamps, breaths, the harmonies, your sense of melody, your ability to attach multiple influences « . Pierre BENOIT philosopher.
« Thank you for the links provided to your fascinating work. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your compositions, especially your Indian songs. Warm Regards » Christian BESTER Artistic Director – Voces Intimae The Art of Song
« I think you are really an excellent composer. » Karel BOESCHOTEN violin
« I have discoverd your choral music, it’s magnificent! » Catherine BOLZINGER Strasbourg Philharmonic Orchestra chorus master, Voix de Stras‘ Ensemble art. director , HEAR Haute école des arts du Rhin & Conservatoire de Strasbourg teacher
« Please accept my compliments for your compositions that enchanted me and also stirred my curiosity. »
Angelique BOUDEVILLE soprano
» Your music looks really interesting! » Andrea BRESSAN bassoon Italy
« Dearest Jean-Christophe, thank you, thank you, thank you. What you offer us is very beautiful. You are, for me, the composer who Discover and Vibrate the light. Your music speaks to me and my heart becomes alive. » Jean-Philippe CATUSSE baritone
« I am enjoying your music. Very pensive and beautiful… congratulations. Isn’t a life with music so wonderful? » Sarah Jane CION winner of the 1999 great american jazz piano competition.
« Ho ascoltato con attenzione e apprezzato le Sue composizioni, i miei più sinceri complimenti. »
Lin CLAYTON author
« Your music is very fascinating! I liked it very much! It speaks to me and I think will do so with the audience! Beautiful! I think that your music definitely has to be played and people need to hear it! » Francesco COMITO pianist Italy
« I really appreciate your music and your sense of voices. » Anne CONTAT, soprano, Ensemble Vocal Ad Limina (Switzerland)
« Bravo ! Excellent ! » Jean-Luc DARBELLAY, composer, president swiss section of International Society of contemporary music.
« Congratulations for these fine melodic arabesques both aerial and agile, subtended by these beautiful, dense and subtle harmonies . » Jean-Jacques DAVID, baritone.
« Ich wäre sehr interessiert daran, Werke von Ihnen aufzuführen. Die Stücke strahlen viel Atmosphäre aus. Einige Stücke sind absolut gut geeignet für unseren Chor“ Christian DILLIG, Zürcher Vokalisten choir master.
“Your works are truly beautiful” Katharine DRYDEN mezzo-soprano UK
« What an activity! I am impressed by the variety of your work and the depth with which every thing is treated. » Sophie DUFEUTRELLE, flutist, composer.
« I discovered your very beautiful site, exciting, and your very beautiful music » Pierre DUTRIEU composer, clarinetist, member of Ensemble Court-circuit and Ensemble 2e2m.
« Congratulations on your music. Very effective, the sampling I heard! » David DZUBAY Professor & Chair of Composition Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Bloomington Director, New Music Ensemble
« I think truly that your work is wonderful! » Luciana ELIZONDO, gamba, Argentina.
» I like your voice as a composer ». Katrin ENDRIKAT guitar Germany / USA.
» Congratulations for the beautiful music dedicated to the flutes. I really hope to perform. »
Roberto FABBRICIANI flute, Italy.
« Bravo, really good » Marie-Pierre FAURE, author.
« Congratulations for your wonderful and exciting work. » George FETERMAN, president of the Association ARBRES
« Congratulations for your compositions. I will play for sure your music ». Monica FINCO flute (Venise)
» We very much enjoyed your music » FIREY STRINGS COMPAGNY
« Thanks for your lovely music! » Lisa XANTHOPOULOU conductor
« Magic may not be real.. but your songs are truly magical! » Irma
« I listened through to your impressive piece! Its so wonderful to discover your composition that sounds so unusual and ethereal and yet grounded in my favourite, Berliozian tradition ! What a lot of views you have on YouTube ! I look forward to hearing your children’s pieces, you are quite prolific! » Lottie HORSMAN
« So, I stumbled across your music by accident entirely on N1M. Thanks for entertaining me with your music. I must say, it is a relief to hear such amazing songs. Keep writing. You are very talented. Take care. Thanks for the entertainment. » Megan
« Hey, I’m in anticipation of your next release…your music is incredible. » Diane
Ancient instruments
» I really appreciate the artistry of you! » Yannis PANTAZIS Greece
« It’s really very interesting and touching! Bravo for your incredible success. » Leila SCHAYEGH violin
» It sounds to us like music for film, theatre… with a strong feeling of atmosphere… »
» We enjoyed listening to some of your music! » Gail HERNANDEZ ROSA & Daniel TURKOS Baroque to Folk
« …some very unique compositions! quite special and exotic! » Jessica COMEAU dulcimer
« Your arrangements for folk music are beautiful. » YAMMA ENSEMBLE / Israel
« Congratulations for your so varied music! I listened to your folk songs arrangements, they are very beautiful. » Dr Caiti HAUCK Research Associate, Institute of Musicology of the University of Bern Choral Conductor, Chorale de la Police de Lausanne
« Bellissimo! I mie complimenti… molto interessante… » Sakina Al AZAMI
« A very beautiful music! » Friederike SCHULZ chant / ensembles Nantosuelta Convivencia
« It is, from my point of view, very successful. Congratulations! » Fabien BARXELL
« Ti rinnovo la mia ammirazione nella speranza di poterci incontrare. Complimenti ancora! »
« Eskerrik asko zinez, gozatu handia hartu dut bidalitako kantuak entzuten! »
Thank you very much, I really enjoyed listening to your songs! Eñaut ELORRIETA singer
« Thank you for your beautiful work. It is a completely new tonality I hear in many of the songs, and I am happy and humbled to have found these magnificent arrangements and sounds by you! »
» Your own arrangements are beautiful, and we would definitely reach out if we ever needed arrangement work. We very much enjoyed listening to the work you sent. » Anaïs (for Zulal) New York / Armeny
» I like the work of yours I have seen. » John HODIAN composer / founder of The Naghash Ensemble
Bach suite for steepan orchestra / Mozart fuga for 4 marimbas
« These are beautiful arrangements. Fabulous! Should we ever need to play Bach we will definitely consider playing your arrangements. »
» It´s a shame that works never been premiered, these pieces could sound really great in steel band! »
Brais CALLES handpan
» I really appreciate your music! Congratulations and I hope to perform some of your pieces in a future occasion. » Giovanna BUCCARELLA Italy
» I’m impressed by your success and commitment to doing something beautiful. Congratulations! »
Marina SANCHIS Spain
» I am very impressed by your portfolio! Incredible! I will definitely keep your work in mind when I get to develop new projects! » Sifei WEN
» I am very impressed with your artistic endeavors and hoping too to collaborate with you in the future. It would be my honor . » Steve KRAMER
« Its very nice music ! » Sozan Chiaki Kariya Chamber music
« We listened to your extracts and we enjoyed them very much. We are definitely open for a collaboration with you. » Babis KARASAWIDIS GALAN TRIO Greece
« I really like your music, I just hear your works and I am impressed. »
Mario PEREZ violin & viola & Trio Musicalis / Spain
Choir & vocal music
» We have listened to your pieces and we enjoyed them very much! They are beautiful! Congratulations for the great work. We would very delighted to include any of them in our repertoire. Lo que desees mandarnos para Coro Femenino, nos encantarà » Natalia VADILLO Incantare Coro Femenino Argentina
» We shall enjoy listening to your works. » James ARTHUR Stile Antico
» Thank you for your beautiful music! »
Matthew Christopher SHEPARD Executive & Artistic Director Te Deum
« Thank you for your beautiful music! Looking forward to a possible future collaboration! »
Netta SPIEGEL conductor Israel
» Beautiful! » Angel City Choral Los Angeles
» Your works sound interesting. » Hljómeyki choir Iceland
» I am impressed by the diversity and the amount you have managed to create. The world needs creative souls. I hope we will bump in to each other one day. » Janis STRAZDINS The Real Group Sweden
» I was watching your extraordinary work on YouTube, my sincerest congratulations ! I have been delighted with several of your works, especially « Garda toun boun tèin » and « Lorsque j’étais p’tit ‘, tout’ p’tit ‘« . I have read « In the polar waters« , and I found it a wonderful story. I reiterate my congratulations for your work, thank you very much and greetings from . Esteban ROLDAN conductor of MUSICAMÉRICA | coro de cámara / ARMONÍA BUENOS AIRES | mujeres de música / P.A.I.S. | música argentina a voces / COMPAÑIA CORAL DEL MUNDO | musicamovimiento / Argentina
» Your website is very impressive, as is the portfolio of work! Many congratulations! I wish you continuing success! » Graham F. WELCH University of Queensland / Gresham College / Australia / Professor and Chair of Music Education at UCL Institute of Education, London UK
« Wonderful! » Amalgamation Choir cond. Vasiliki ANASTASIOU Greece
« Echo this! well done, this is very impressive. best wishes. » Evangelos HIMONIDES UCL Institute of Education, London UK
» Your music is very interesting! » Bernd SPITZBARTH
« Interesantisimo curriculum . Espero encontrar la ocasión de trabajar con usted. » José Luis BASSO
« Wunderbar! Vielen Dank für die schöne Musik. » Hans-Jörg GANZ / Switzerland
« Es genial! » Ileana DELGADO FUENTES Entrelas Grupo Vocal Cuba
« Really cool stuff! I am always interested in World Premieres of course! and always searching for new music, too. » Lisa STRÖCKENS Berlin
« We have listened some pieces of you and they are very beautiful! » Valentín MIRALLES / Cantoria / Catalogna
« Your music is fantastic and very various of style and organic. We are very intersted of your music and we would like to start a collaboration in a some project with you of creation or reprise. » Sabino MANZO / Florilegium Vocis / Italy
« Fantastic! » Inga BRUSEKE chorus master / Germany
» Thank you very much for your beautiful music! Continue, please, with your inspired writing! » Cathy YOUNGBLOOD Artistic Director Caritas A Cappella Ensemble Charlotte, USA
» I’ve had a look at your compositions. Congratulations. You do a very good work really. » Javier BUSTO composer, conductor / Bask country – Spain
» We had the opportunity to listen to a couple of your pieces and they seem to be quality music! » Miguel MADURO-DIAS NUNO & Miguel de ALMEIDA directors of Moços do Coro
» We are happy to receive your music and I hope we will have an opportunity to perform one of them in the near future. » Burak ONUR ERDEM Turkish State Choir, artistic director & conductor
» Thank you for your great music! Good ideas for new repertoire! Will be nice to sing your music! » Mara MARNAUZA choir conductor Riga / Latvia
« J’ai regardé quelques enregistrements de vos musiques et j’aime beaucoup. » Ivan YOHAN conductor of Swara Vocal Ensemble Belgium & Parahyangan Catholic University Choir Indonesia
» I LOVE your stuff! » Elisa JANSON JONES, MBA Founder | International Music Education Summit Producer | Music Ed Mentor Podcast Writer | Professional Music Educator Musical Director | The Grand Junction Centennial Band
» Beautiful pieces! Thank you very much for your music. I would love to see and study the score to a number of your compositions, as I find them very beautiful and suitable for either the Danish National Girls’ Choir or one of the younger choirs from the Danish National Choir School. I have enjoyed listening to some of your pieces. I will let you know if the Danish National Girls Choir performs one of your pieces in the future. » » Phillip FABER Chief conductor DR PigeKoret / Danish National Girls Choir
« We are touched by the quality and richness of your work. » Ensemble Aznash Laaman Yannick LOYER, artistic director and manager
» A contemporary composer: who can sing! You can feel this in your songs! » Georg KAPLAN tenor / Hungary
« I already have heard some of your choral music that I found very beautiful and have reccomended it to two choral conductors I work! » Natalia GONZALEZ FIGUEROA / piano / Argentina
« Good to hear from you! Your music is beautiful! » Patrick ALLIES conductor of Siglo de Oro Choir & Khoros Choir UK
» I really love your sound! » Kristina Caswell MacMullen conductor associate professor of conducting and assistant director of Choral Activities at The Ohio State University
« I have seen some of your videos and I find your compositions very beautiful. It would be a pleasure to interpret your music. » Giovanna CARUSO Directora Ensamble Vocal Tomás Luis de Victoria Magíster en Dirección Teatral U. de Chile
» Thanks very much for the links to your beautiful music. »
Stratton BULL artistic director, Cappella Pratensis NL
» I like your work, it is very moving and subtle. I’m interested to sing some of them, it would be nice! » Felicitas ERB soprano
« How wonderful the collection you have! We will take closer look into your pieces, and see if we can do something in the future. »
Johnny KU / Taipei Philharmonic Chorus / Taipei Chamber Singers
» I listened to your Hymne a I’Univers and other choral works which I found engaging. »
Madeleine MITCHELL Solo Violinist London
“Thank you very much for making contact and sending these examples of your wonderful music. You write beautifully for the voice, bravo. I particularly enjoyed the Indian Songs. Ils sont très beaux. »
Robert NORDLING Music Director of the Baroque on Beaver Island Music Festival, the Bandung Philharmonic, the Shoreline Music Society and the Lake Forest Civic Orchestra
« You have a lot of talent and write well for the voice, I will be happy to sing one of your works! »
« Wonderful pieces! »Abraham ATOBRAH ASIAMAH conductor of La Chorale / Ghana
« A great variety of splendid works. It is difficult to choose among them. Me and my choir love your music! »
Tatiana OSTROVSKAYA / Female Academic Choir of College of Culture & Arts conductor’s / Fominyh , Ukraine
« Wonderful compositions! » Dr Orla FLANAGAN conductor Assistant Professor of Music University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland
« I am really very moved by your compositions. » Åsa JUNESJÖ mezzo-soprano Sweden
« Thank you so much for so rich information. Everyting is very interesting. »
Vytautas MISKINIS composer, conductor / Lituany
« Ho ascoltato la sua musica. Complimenti! » Roberta PARANINFO Academia Vocale di Genova Italy
» Congratulations for your music! » Denis CEAUSOV conductor Cantemus Moldavia
« It is great to meet you and your musical world. » Zoltan PAD chief conductor of the Hungarian Radio Choir
« I heard your choir music – it is really fantastic” Valentina GEORGIEVA artistic director Chernomorski zvutsi international festival, conductor Chernomorski Zvutsi mixed choir, member of the Executive Board of the Bulgarian Choral Union.
» I do enjoy seeing your videos and listening to your music! » Graham WALKER Director of Music, Magdalene College, Cambridge / Director, St John’s Voices, St John’s College, Cambridge
« The music you compose/arrange is outstanding! » The Sessions Voices
« Very beautiful music ! » Friederike SCHULZ singer / ensembles Nantosuelta & Convivencia
« Bravo for your music, your compositions are very accomplished and exude a beautiful emotion. »
Brice TENAILLEAU percussionist
« Very many thanks for letting me have sight/sound of your compositions, which I have enjoyed. »
Prof. Ian TRACEY, Professor, Fellow & Organist, Liverpool John Moores University, Chorusmaster to the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society,
Organist Titulaire, Liverpool Cathedral, Organist to the City of Liverpool.
Children & Youth
« I took the time to discover your work, it’s very beautiful and I will be happy to inspire you with beautiful music. » Isabelle HOARAU-JOLY author storyteller ethnologist / Reunion Island
» I was listening to your compositions since our first contact – Congratulations! »
Krzysztof KLIMA Founder/Director of ECM Foundation & European Center of Music / Poland
« I find your works really interesting and it would be great to performe your pieces for clarinet »
Flavia FEUDI Germany
« Wonderful music!! Awesome work!! Love your clarinet works! »
Kim Bonacquisti Ellis professor Lamar University Texas
» I have had a listen to all of your works dedicated to the clarinet and I really enjoy them all. »
Laura HUNDERT clarinet
» I listened these links that you sent me. And I really liked you works. I would like to play some of your works on my concerts if you want too. Middle age song is very interesting. I very very liked it. »
Ecesu SERTESEN clarinet
« I started to listen to your compositions. I find it very nice! Congratulations, really… » Rossella POLICARDO
« I found your music very interesting » Elaine FUNARO, dir. art. d’Aliénor USA
« Your list of some of your achievements and music is excellent. Congratulations on your work. From what I know of your music I think a collaboration would be mutually beneficial. I love your musics.I loved dancing your music. » Juliana RODRIGUES Ballerina, Choreographer, Editor, Photographer and film maker / Brasilia
» Congratulations for your beautiful and inspired works! » Catalin ROTARU Professor of Double Bass School of Music, Dance and Theatre Arizona State University
« I really like your music especially the two with ensemble, very nice arrangements, sounds and concept. Like your application of the bow, really subtle. » Agnes BAZSINKA singer, composer / Hungary
» I want to congratulate you for the works that I have listened to, you are a Master of the Double Bass and composition, congratulations. Both « Chiaroscuro » and « Bass´o » have seemed very good to me, congratulations. » Pere RIBERA artist / Spain
» I listened your music…really goovie, sounds really good! » Valentina CIARDELLI
» I enjoyed listening to some of your recordings! » Max KRAUS composer, bassist
» I heard some of your compositions…I really like them! » Valentina CIARDELLI
Flute & traverso
« I have enjoyed listening to your music – thank you. » Emily BEYNON principal flute of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
« I started to listen to some of the pieces and I am very intrigued. I love the unusual usage of the traverso and consept of landscape and composition is dear to me. and simply- Beautiful music! » Avner GEIGER flute
Congratulation on your sucessfull career! I’m impressed with all the compositions where you included flute, it would be my honour to meet you. I would be very happy to possibly work with you as performer. »
Ivana Mišić / Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra / Croatia
« I have listened carefully to your compositions which I respect and I enjoyed listening to. I see a link in indian music on the bansuri to your compositional world in the sound treatment and also in the meditative, ceremonial aspect of your music. » Julia OHRMANN bansuri flute
« Many thanks for the fascinating pieces you sent me. I like them very much. I am very interested in collaborating with you, and a world premiere sounds inspiring. A concerto, chamber music or solo piece? » Sami JUNNONEN Finland
» In fact I like all your compositions. They have some deepness and are telling stories in a poetical way. What I feel in them is the connection with nature and the universe. » Lievenka Van de MEIRSSCHE
« I took time to listen carefully to your pieces. They are truly great! Fantastic atmosphere and very exciting! » Rogier de PIJPER / Nederlands
« I enjoyed ‘Au désert demeure la paix‘ very much and I’m very interested in playing it. I’ll talk to my guitar partner and I hope we can put it soon in our concert program. Also the piece for flute ensemble and flute solo are very interesting. » Vítor DINIZ
« The solo piece looks very interesting! » Wissam BOUSTANY Flautist / Towards Humanity / Pro Youth Philharmonia
» Your music is very beautiful! » Marie Sønderskov Danmark
« I have listened to some of your compositions for flute and I find them very interesting. »
Claire Marchand (flute) General and Artistic Director Canadian Music Center in Quebec
» I wish so much to play your beautiful music! » Yannis PANTAZIS Santorin island Greece
» Great compositions! » Susan Owusu Chorale / Ghana
« It is great that you have been blessed with this gift for song writing. We would like to encourage you to continue to write! » Hillsong Church
« Congratulations for your music! » Andrea de VITIS
» Your music is wonderful, congratulations! I’d love to play a piece of yours if you write me a new composition! » An TRAN
» Big thank you has to be said for introducing me to your music! Wow, it is simply great. I enjoyed it a lot and I will keep doing so, I am sure of it. » Antonis LIOPIRIS
» Thanks so much for your music! I’ve really enjoyed it, especially your guitar compositions! If you were to write something for me I would love to include it. » Hannah MURPHY / New York
« Very good work! » Bogdan MIHAILESCU
» I did listen to some of your music, and will continue listening. I like your style! » Matt PETERS Germany
« You have an interesting music. Yes. I think we can collaborate. » Irina KULIKOVA Russia
» Congratulations, you have an impressive portfolio and extensive compositional output »
Eric CATHAN Mauritius
« Congratulations for your work! We would love to perform your music. »
Daniela & Fábio duo LUCATELLE – BARTOLONI / Brazil
» Excellent! I would love to play your music… » Zuleida SUAREZ Guitarrista-Concertista / Lic. en Música en la Universidad de las Artes / Profesora en la Universidad de las Artes Profesora en Escuela de Música Manuel Saumell / Dir. Dúo Con-Trastes
» Congratulations for your compositions! » Ruben PAREJO guitar / Spain
» I heard your music, great works! » Merce FONT MFA Guitar Academy
» Compliments for your impressive work for guitar and guitar ensembles. » MoNo Guitar Duo
« Your compositions are very intriguing. » Tavi JINARIU
» Dear brother, I deeply listened to your very beautiful musics , so amazing , I really enjoyed them! Thank you again for your precious pieces. » I appreciate your every musical note , love and light to you »
» Very nice compositions! » Cristóbal SELAME
« Congratulations for your music! » Andrea De VITIS
» Congratulations for your activities and your composistions. » Eleftheria KOTZIA
» I checked some of your compositions, congratulations for your great work. A lot of amazing pieces are done. I will write to you back when I will pick up a new repertoire. » Pardy MINASSIAN
« Very impressive your work Jean-Christophe! Congratulations. » Nice to see that you are working beauty with your compositions! » Louis Valentine JOHNSON composer, guitar
» I’m very impressed with your art and achievement . » Anna PIETRZAK Poland / Ryszard Bukowski Music School / guitar lecturer Karol Lipiński Academy of Music / Wroclaw
« Congratulations on your work. Very beautiful. » Tolgahan Çoğulu microtonal guitar / TURKEY
« Wonderful music! » Hong TEE Malaysia
« What a wonderful work! I know firsthand how much commitment and passion French schools put while teaching, and how much hard-work is put for achieving such a degree like the one you hold. Said that, it is an honor that an experienced composer writes to me. I listened to Indian songs and most say that the work is massive, impressive, outstanding, the kind of work one can expect from a serious composer, specially that had studied in France. Premiering a composition would be great! » Daniel RODRIGUEZ
» I very much enjoyed hearing some of your music! » Carlo FIERENS / Italy
« Your works are very interesting. » Paola HERMOSIN / Spain
« Congratulations for your compositions! I really liked the Milonga and the Tango! »
Roberto FABBRI Guitar Teacher Italy
« Congratulations for your great work! » Mabel MILLAN
» Thank you for your beautiful music! Really loved the links, specially the Passage I for solo guitar. Congrats for your amazing work! » Merce FONT guitar / Barcelona / Spain
« Your work is really wonderful and of great artistic quality, I love it. »
Martin MARINO Camerata Argentina de Guitarras Argentina
» Very interesting. Bravo! » José Carlos CABRERA / Paraguay
» Your music is very thoughtful and imaginative. » Scott BORG
» It’s a pleasure to meet you and your interesting music. You seem to have a good feel for writing effectively for the guitar. » David GRIMES Trio Camino
« It is nice to meet you and become familiar with your work. I will keep your scores in mind. »
» I love your music! It’s very soulful and beautiful. » Christina SANDSENGEN
» Your musical language is very interesting, I liked the pieces I heard! » Julio REIS
« Marvellous works! Congratulations! » Alberto MESIRCA Italy
» Your reputations are very impressing! Ihre Musik gefällt mir wirklich sehr gut. Insbesondere die Stücke, bei denen der Latein amerikanische Einfluss besonders stark ist. » JACQ DORN
« Thank you so much for your outstanding music! I have taken the time to carefully listen to your works and I congratulate you for their great compositional quality, diversity and unity. I am very sensitive to your music because it is composed with a lot of authenticity and art, and also to all the remarkable artists who have interpreted your works, you feel a lot of heart and emotion. « Olivier MESNIER
« You are a brilliant composer! » Yiannis ANDRONOGLOU
« Your music is so great!!!!! » Nadja KOSSINSKAJA
» I have listened to O mundo todo abarco and it is a beautiful work and especially well written for the guitar too! » Carlos BONELL
» It’s great to be introduced in your world of so many fine compositions. » Dimitris KOTRONAKIS Greece
» I enjoyed listening your compositions. » Celil REFIK KAYA US/Turkey
» I listened with great interest to your music. I thought it was great! You get some very suggestive atmospheres of marked intimate character. » Jaume TORRENT Spain
» Beautiful! » Michael ERNI Switzerland
» I have to say I really loved your work, specially Passages I and III, Au désert demeure la paix, and the Hommage au tango. SO BEAUTIFUL WORK! » Gabriel PAULOCHANKA
“Thank you very much for all of your music….
This morning was, a so to say, « Rosaz-Morning »,….a beautiful one…
I heard all the Links and more….I Love all of them…
This morning the « Hommage au tango » was my favorite…the video is great too…I Love the Recording Sound ….it Sounds so old…like from far away….
But what I love the most:
Your Music are Poems…Poems are u n t o u c h a b l e…
they have also that « poete maudit thing », that « special vibe » –
F. Villon , A.Rimbaud, J.Genet etc. have
thank you very much again….
to quote S. Celibidache: »yes, that’s the way it is » Hennes HOLZ composer, guitarist
« Guitar teacher at the CRR Metz, I worked several times the piece » Passage I » which is very popular with students. I appreciate very much your way of writing for the guitar which explores with fineness its richness of timbres and articulations and which develops a musical language, very poetic, luminous and contrasted, while remaining technically accessible. I was eager to listen carefully to your other pieces that all seduced and strongly interested me. I am therefore more than enthusiastic about collaborating with you for both solo and guitar duo. » Romain FARGEAS
» Congratulations for your work! » Petar CULIC Croatia
“I had the opportunity to listen to some of your music. There are some very interesting and touching compositions for both solo and chamber music with guitar, and if any idea comes for any of my future projects in these areas I’ll definitely contact you.”
Fabricio MATTOS Classical guitarist / Artistic Director WGC-Worldwide Guitar Connections / Master of Music (Performance & Research) Royal Academy of Music
« A really interesting musical universe! » Christian LAVERNIER guitar
» Your compositions are very intriguing! » Tavi JINARIU guitar / Los Angeles
“I had to take some time to listen to your music, which become a very enjoyable experience (the Indian songs are an amazing piece). I’m looking forward to play your music.” César SILVA guitar, Portugal
« I am very sensitive to your compositions and would like to congratulate you very much for their quality, originality and character … » André SIMONY guitar
« I’ve enjoyed listening to your music. Passage I for guitar solo is very interesting. There are many things that could be done with it. » Aaron LARGET-CAPLAN guitar, US
« Receive my compliments for your music that I just listened with great interest.»
Geoffrey JUBAULT Ph.D guitar
« I love your stuff! It is wonderful. I also like how you’ve written songs for guitar and voice ».
Patricia HAMMOND mezzo soprano UK
» Very nice music, I like it!« Katharina PUSHKARENKO guitar / Russia
« Thank you. We appreciate the support and enjoyed your music as well. We hope to hear a guitarist come in sometime soon and record some of your music. » JohnPaul TROTTER guitar Guitar Salon International
» I truly appreciated very much your compositions! Congratulations. » Gloria Denise ZURRU
» I like your music, congratulations! » Violeta RAMOS Switzerland
« Thank you very much for your beautiful music. Perhaps our paths will cross some day. » Lavinia MEIJER
» I have listened your compositions with harp: Éternité, Au désert demeure la paix & Vêpres du Puy. je trouve ces trois œuvres très belles. » Marguerite DELEUZE harp
Jazz tribute
« Really you have a lot of good music! I like it! It will be a pleasure if you will need for your projects some improvised violín I can record it in my house and send you. Also for film music and jazz projects. »
Nika BITCHIASHVILI / Spain – Tbilisi
» I listened, I really enjoyed your creations. »
Jacob REUVEN Mandolin Teacher at Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
Maya flute
« I realised how unique has it been working with you and your piece. The number of creative responses that Un Sueño Maya generated. It’s like the score you created transforms into a map full of geographies. It{s the first time that my first reaction to a musical work is not the actual playing of it. beautiful! Even though the recording of Rosaz’ A Mayan Dream for the triple flute is still pendant, the work has acted as the unifying element, since it incorporates and brings together the elements that dialogue in this clay video: the Mayan culture in historical narrative, Jean Christophe’s homage to the tropical jungle and its damaged native vegetation and his sound fantasy for the Mayan triple flute; my systematization of the Mayan flute for the creation of a repertoire dedicated to it; the craftwork around clay in the hands of visual artists; different pre-Columbian flutes and their nature-related sounds. His score acts as a kaleidoscope displaying materiality, reaching far beyond the composer-performer-instrument scope. It is curious that the first performance of his work took the shape of a video, which will inspire and inform my performance with the flute. »
Music & Art
» Bellissima idea e brano molto interessante. Complimenti! » Erminia NIGRO
« I like the composed pieces for nature you did as it fits to my work. Perhaps there will be a change to work together in the future for a video or art work. » Berndnaut SMILDE
Music & Nature
« I like the composed pieces for nature you did as it fits to my work. Perhaps there will be a change to work together in the future for a video or art work. » Berndnaut SMILDE
« I enjoyed « In Altitudine » so much. The way you write suits our instrument very well and it was also beautifully played by Marika Lombardi.For sure I will have your piece in mind for a concert in the next season. » Tiago COIMBRA
» I am very impressed with your compositions! My respect! »
Michael VACCARO Opera Classica Europa Germany
» I was delighted to hear from you and actually discover you! I like your style a lot and I found super good what I heard from you! I’m super interested on working together I’m interested in both world premiere and arrangements Looking forward to hear from you, A super big hug! » Nil VENDITTI
« Your music is always very interesting. I hope that we can work together one day. » Roberto FORES VESES
» I am lisenting to your music and I am enjoying so much. Let’s keep in touch. » Venus REY Jr
» I enjoyed watching your videos. The collaboration of any sort – as artist or with Orchestre Nouvelle Génération of which I am an artistic director would be of interest. »
Natasha TUROVSKY art. dir. Orchestre Nouvelle Génération Canada
« Congratulations on your work! » Veronica DEL SIGNORE FLORENZE YOUTH FESTIVAL
» Thank you very much for your very fine pieces, which I enjoyed hearing. I would indeed be interested in your solo organ pieces. » Carson COOMAN Composer and Concert Organist Composer in Residence, Harvard University, The Memorial Church Organ & Choral Editor, Lorenz Publishing Company and Sacred Music Press
» Congratulations! The music is very interesting! » Margaret PHILLIPS
» Your music is magnificent. » Eric LEBRUN organist, composer
» Interesting and special Music… I like it, you are working in a another Genre, in this time of changing. This I see with Music too, also back to the roots! » Marika FALK / Germany
» I listened to your music and Ι liked very much.The pieces with percussion instruments are really great! »
» Wonderful work! » Isabel PEREZ DOBARRO / New York
« I enjoy very much listening to your compositions. I would be delighted to hear about new projects or premieres you have in mind for the future. » Dr. Fionnuala MOYNIHAN Ireland
» I listened to some of the works and I must tell you that I really liked them, they are very interesting compositions ! » Gonzalo KEIN Argentina
» I have listened to some of your music: Interesting and nice feeling! » Hande DALKILIC / Turkey
» It is a pleasure to visit your website and listen to your compositions. »
Maria del PESO / piano, actress / Spain
» Very cool videos! » Udo FELIZETER founder of Open piano for refugees / Wienn / Austria
« Lots of great music! » Nuno MARQUES New York
» Thanks for all the wonderful music. I’ll listen more in-depth, but what I heard was very inspiring and interesting. » Ammiel BUSHAKEVITZ
» Your music sounds very interesting! » Cornelia LENZIN piano / Swiss-Spain
» J’aime Orage sur l’ocean. I did visit your website and noticed that you work with multi-media compositions and your skills include quite a diverse sonic palette. GraceANN CUMMINGS piano Inside the music USA
» Indeed, your compositions are beautiful and I hear so much « paysage ». Yes, if we can work together, I would be honored! « Kimihiro YASAKA
» Very interesting! » Robert KOLINSKY
» You create beautiful music! » Chiu-Yu Chen pianist, Taiwan
« I like very much your fantastic works. » Francisco ESCODA & Trio Musicalis
“Looking at your website and your publications, I am very impressed and feel a certain connection to your music! I can clearly state that I would be highly interested in an exchange about your projects.” Sigrid HAGN
« Your music is very nice! Compliments for your activity! » Riccardo BOZOLO
» I am a piano pedagogue, piano accompanist, and solo pianist. My experience in teaching and performing exceeds 30 years, and I have raised many generations of pianist. I have listened to your compositions and I must admit that I became very interested to listen to more of your works. It will be a pleasure to collaborate with you in the future. » Svetlana MERKURIVA
» I have taken a listen to many of your works and I am amazed by what seems an incredible output from you at all times! » Molly MORKOSKI piano USA
« I congratulate you from all my heart for your excellent creative work. »
Genc TUKICI piano composer Albany/France
« A beautiful universe, refined, creative and full of life. » Daniel PROPPER
« I have listened to all your works and liked your compositional styles and musicality very much. You have written beautiful and very idiomatic works for recorder that I didn’t know so far. I especially liked Dreamer on a landscape and Windway »
Carmen TRONCOSO / CMRC Contemporary Music Research Centre University of York / UK
» Great music and I’m happy to now know the pieces! I will keep you and your – indeed fascinating – music in mind. » Sabrina FREY
Sacred music
« I have been listening in on several of your wonderful compositions – what heavenly music! – and it has brought me great peace and a deeper love for God.
For me, music like this creates a longing for heaven, and is a way of showing instead of telling great truths. I am humbled to see just how deep you have been able to go into the great sacred visual arts and have been able so masterfully to connect them with your music. I believe such combinations of artistry are key to reaching a wider audience on a deep level with classical and sacred music. » Magnus Gautestad
« Thanks & Best Wishes for your lovely compositions. » Elizabeth MELCHER DAVIS
« I congratulate you for your compositions that are very beautiful, touching, designed in the tradition of writing sacred music. The fact of composing today for old instruments seems to me a very interesting demarche. « Jean-Charles ABLITZER organist
«Your works are very interesting, with various instrumental and voice combinations, congratulation! You have written many pieces dedicated to the saxophone! I will retain all the titles, some of them surely could be useful in the future. I hope there will be the possibility to collaborate togheter.»
Isabella STABIO saxophoniste / Italy
» We listened to your different pieces and really enjoyed your music. » Akhtamar Quartet Jennifer PIO
« It impressed me how you work in the classical field and in the Film music field. I enjoyed listening. »
« It is a pleasure to hear your music. » Paul CORTESE
« It’s really very interesting and touching! Bravo for your incredible success. » Leila SCHAYEGH
» I enjoyed listening to your compositions! » Dhyani HEATH
« Very interesting and insipring! » Rūta LIPILAITYTE-SAVICKIENE / Lituania
» I was very happy to get to know your music, which I liked very much. » Pavel VERNIKOV
« Congratulations on the good work! » Bela HORVATH
« I enjoyed listening to your music very much! » Sean LEE
« Dear Jean, it would be a great honor to perform and record your great music one day. »
Barbara Zalaznik MATOS / Sloveny
« I was very impressed to play your piece. If you have any new pieces, I would love to help you and perform your compositions. » Mukhriddin SAYFIDDINOV / Uzbekistan / Marie Cantagril International Violin Competition 2018 1st price
» I took a look at the scores, they look extremely interesting! I will learn them and perform them if there’s any new music required in the program. Seriously, I really love your works. » Chi LEE violin , Taiwan
» I have listened to a few of your clips and your music is very beautiful. » Gillian ZAMMIT
» Many thanks! You write some very beautiful music! I would be delighted to perhaps collaborate on some of your works ». Beth TAYLOR
» I have listened the music,and it is very beutiful, and I would be happy to sing your pieces!! I am very honored! fantastic idea! » Natalia PAVLOVA soprano
« Well done really, I send you all my compliments, your music is open to the world and to Nature, it is rich and rhythmic, changeable and colorful, I really enjoy listening to you. I particularly like what I heard the mixture of guitar and classical voice with backing vocals (O mundo todo abarco, magnificent). The Native America Songs are very impressive. I also really liked Passage III Yefiri which is a real invitation to travel. »
Juliette MARS mezzo soprano / member of the Wiener StaatsOper
« Thank you very very much for your great music. I am very happy and honoured to collaborate and it is one of my dream to interpret a world premiere! I listened your beautiful compositions and I would love to have a world premiere composed by you. I would like to collaborate also interpreting some of your composition for soprano. I liked very much your website as well. All my best congratulations for your great career. » Alisa KATROSHI soprano
« Thank you very much for your gorgeous compositions. I am absolutely entranced. Your writing for the voice is so elegant and such enchanting and colorful atmospheres you create with your harmonies. Indeed, I would be extremely interested and honored to collaborate with you. » Elisabeth STEVENS
« I have listened to your compositions, they are very beautiful. I would be very happy to exchange with you on the matter of singing and/or premiering one of your pieces. » Theodora COTTAREL
» Your compositions are wonderful. It would be an honor for me to sing such beautiful compositions. »
Aïda PASCU soprano / Romania
« I listened to your music and I’m very impressed by your compositions. So I would feel honored to perform one of your peaces ». Eva SCHOSSLEITNER mezzo soprano (Austria)
« Excited to do a collaboration Concert with your beautiful French music… »
Lorenzo C. GEALOGO choirmaster of Coro San Benildo / Philippines
» Your work is really inspirational for me » Irina-Kalina GOUDEVA double bass, singer, performer and creative artist / Danemark.
It is evident that you have a very talented and dedicated circle of musicians performing your compositions” Beth GRIFFITH voice
« I listened to your music, which, sincerely, I really like: it’s always very lyrical, clever, well conceived, deep and poetical » Giovanni GROSSKOPF composer, Italia.
« I listened to the music and visited your homepage. You are very productive and I hear the beauty of your music. » Günter HAENSSLER producer Germany
« »I took the time to discover what you do and I love it, it gives me ideas for the future, I am always happy to find new repertory. Bravo for your work and all these projects! « Maud HAMON-LOISANCE choir conductor.
» I have visited your website and listened via YouTube and believe that you are talented enough to do justice to the natural places that I have carefully recorded. » Gordon HEMPTON soundtracker Quiet Planet
Wave I for choir a cappella « I think that sounds great! » Pace sulla Terra – Wave II « You and your fantastic work have made my Sunday much more beautiful. Thank you so much! » Aoife HINEY (Ireland) conductor of VOZ NUA Chamber Choir (Portugal)
« Good luck with your beautiful songs » Gregory HOPKINS conductor of The Harlem Jubilee Singers about Running to Paradise and A few more beatings (2 Gospel Songs)
« It is a pleasure to be introduced to your work. « Terrific music »! « Native America Songs is a brilliant and inspired score.” Bernie KRAUSE American musician and bioacoustician, foundator of Wild Sanctuary, an organization dedicated to the recording of natural soundscapes, author of The great animal orchestra Ph.D. from Union Institute & University in Cincinnati.
« I like your work very much. » Valerie KUINKA General Director Highlands Opera Studio
« I think it’s a particularly rare and wonderful talent when someone can compose like you do. I wish you all the best and hope that your work may be heard the way you wish it to be heard. All my warmest wishes. » Jennifer LARMORE«
A really interesting musical universe. » Christian LAVERNIER
» I appreciate to the highest point your absolutely beautiful creative work! »
Eric LEBRUN, composer, organist.
« Moult congratulations and very sincere » Jean-Paul LECOT, composer, organist.
« Ihr oeuvre ist beachtlich! » Christian LEHMANNN Präsident Konzertverein Langnau Switzerland
« These traces we do, you know, do not belong to us, they belong to the wind, to the trees, to the birds and perhaps sometimes to those who listen to them, read or watch them, right? All that not inspires us is lost, that’s what I think. Blessed are the inspired! because, by ricochet, they testify of Him who is tirelessly the source – as the summit of all that is vital … your music, with a such generosity is undoubtedly a hug for the hearts touched by the humanity of Christ, therefore how can we not thank such a creative act? »
Jérôme LEQUIME, writer, reporter.
« The quality of your work is really incredible! Congratulations. »
Fernando LERMAN composer saxophonist / Brasil
« I’ve heard several pieces from your surprisingly large catalogue (must compliment on your prolificacy!), and it’s really interesting to notice how you adapt your unique style to different musical languages and ensembles. » Ivano LEVA composer, pianist
« I congratulate you on your wonderful compositions! Your musical language is pure and uplifting in its many-faceted explorations of profound and emotional experience, and I have had much joy in listening to your works! » Maria LINNEMANN guitarist & composer Germany
« Thank you very much for your very interesting work! » Katarina LIVLJANIC art. dir. of Dialogos Ensemble
« Congratulations for your works. » Luis Lluciá Manager of CEM Manuel de Falla Centro de Estudios Musicales « Manuel de Falla »
« Impressed by the scope of his employment, his sensitivity, his imagination … obviously a multifaceted talent, where music and poetry come together effortlessly, in a kind of light that seems to be his signature ».
Thierry MACHUEL, composer.
« I listened to a lot of your works and I was very touched, thank you for this fullness that makes feel and and think. » Mady MANTELIN Artistic Director of the Company LE THEATRE A DEUX VOIX.
» Your music is fantastic and very various of style and organic. »
Sabino MANZO, art director and conductor, Italy.
« I listened to your music: luminous, the first word that came to mind, pure, sensitive, involved, beautiful » Irina MARTIN soprano.
» I have taken a listen to many of your works and I am amazed by what seems an incredible output from you at all times! » Molly MORKOSKI piano USA
» Remarkable music! » Jens MUEGGE
« I have been very impressed by the music you have composed » Peter MÜLLER / Germany » Congratulation for your music compositions. It’s important to grow new generation throw the music, and your work is foundamental. » Music For artistic staff
» Your music is simply remarkable! I’d love to interpret your music in the futur. »
Mirjam MYKLEBUST, Soprano / Norway.
« Magnifique! » Manohy NARIMANANA pianist, guitarist, composer, performer (Madagascar)
« Fantastic universe! » Xabier ORMAZABAL Tolosa International Choral Contest.
« Congratulations for your artistic work, it is an immense oeuvre you created! »
David PAVLOVITS guitarist, composer / Hungary
« I enjoyed your very intelligent processing of voices » Laurent PETITGIRARD composer, conductor, member of the Institute, elected to the Academy of Fine Arts, Commander of Arts and Letters, Officer of Merit, Knight of the Legion of Honour.
« Thank you for your beautiful music with really magnificent harmonies » Loïc PIERRE, choirmaster.
« Congrats! Very good composer! » Cecilia PILLADO Italian Argentine actor, pianist and composer (Germany).
« Congratulations on your beautiful music! » Rosa ARNOLD, Jeanita VRIENS, Annemijn BERGKOTTE Geneviève VERHAGE Ragazze Quartet (Nederlands).
« The works that you write are in the heart of my current preoccupations and my curiosity. »
Christel RAYNEAU flute
« Had a great morning listening to your Native america songs« . Pedro RIBEIRO director
« Dear Jean-Christophe, it was a pleasure listen to your grand and wonderful piece. All the best for the future » Sven-David SANDSTROM composer, Norway.
« Remarkable » Sr Gertrude, SECLI.
» Congratulations on your very beautiful and protean career as a composer! I had the pleasure to discover your creations and it’s a very beautiful music. Hope to follow your work and long life to your music! »
Mike SOLOMON composer contralto Ensemble 101
» I listened « Indian Songs », and I found it interesting and very well-written. In particular I enjoyed your instrumentation, your use of voice and the adherence with the prayers. »
Stefano SQUARZINA composer / Italia
« Thank you for such beautiful and inspired music ! » Amaru SOREN, piano
» Your work is very impressive! » Karmen STENDLER guitar Slovenia
« I find your approach original, magnificent! » Bernard THOMAS conductor
« I have been listening to a lot of your music and really enjoying hearing your wonderful compositions, especially the pieces for young audiences. » Bruce TRINKLEY composer and conducter of the Penn State Glee Club, music director for Penn State’s Centre Stage.
« Thank you for these musical nuggets that in their diversities continue to show how your spiritual inspiration is good and beautiful. » Remo VESCIA
« Bravo on your excellence and originality. Your new fan in Canada » Rosanne WARREN flute
« Nice to be introduced to your very attractive and characteristic music. »
Ralph WOODWARD Fairhaven Singers Musical Director UK
» My compliments for your incredible compositional work! »
Elizaveta ZARAYSKAYA Choral Conductor Germany
COMPOSITIONS (par ordre alphabétique)
A few more beatings… Gospel Song « The music looks great… and will sound amazing! It certainly would be wonderful to sing it… a fabulously written work, a lovely project to be a part of. »
Jules RENDELL founder of The Get Gospel Team. UK.
« A la fille du vent was much appreciated and I am glad it has emerged on the occasion of this tribute to poetry and music. I hope it continues on its beautiful momentum … » Damien TOP, Steering Committee of the Lotte Lehmann Foundation (USA), research assistant at the University of Rome III (Italy), president of the Association of Friends of Claude Delvincourt and the International Albert Roussel he founded in 1992 as the Festival International Albert Roussel.
A l’ombre du baobab
« Me gustô mucho! » Violeta RAMOS Harp Composer / Argentina-Switzerland
« Super dieses Werk! Gefällt mir sehr gut, besonders die Instrumentalstimmen. Weiterhin viel Erfolg! » Hansruedi KAEMPFEN Musikdirektor Brig, Künstlerische Leitung: Montreux Choral Festival 2016, Singschule cantiamo, Oberwalliser Lehrerchor, Oberwalliser Vokalensemble, Schweizer Jugendchor«
« I’m immersed in listening to your music tale In the shade of the baobab. I love your music, congratulations! It is beautifully rich and full of many influences. Tell me if I’m wrong but I feel reminiscences of Ravel, Debussy, Poulenc, Bartok, Stravinsky and even of « Carmen » by Bizet (in Indian Songs). Both different languages in the texts than the idea of composing for children (instrument and singing, I guess more easily the fun they must have to interpret your work to the extent that you put within their reach and make available genuine chamber music prowesses) reveal a poignant creativity and a brilliant intelligence beyond far from the only envy, too often met nowadays, to free from theoretical and stylistic shackles of previous centuries composers. It is a real pleasure to listen to your compositions! « Nicolas OUSSENI trumpet
« Meraviglioso!!!! complimenti!! » Luciana ELIZONDO
« J’aime beaucoup cette musique! Mystérieuse, profonde et évocatrice à la fois… » Colette ALBIOLO
« Magnífica música! » Pere RIBEIRA
In the heart of the tree
« A really own atmosphere I like » Wally HASE
» The homage you have created is beautifully done! I love the deep sound of the bass clarinet. »
Bernie KRAUS Wild Sanctuary
Adieu ma charmante blonde
« Wunderschönes Lied! Beruhigend! Träumerisch! Bravo! Gratuliere ! » Georg KAPLAN
Alpsegen for alphorn
« I enjoy your music very much. Wonderfull! » Franz SCHUESSELE Germany
L’arbre du voyageur
» I really enjoyed l’arbre du voyageur a lot! » Kimihiro YASAKA
« I’m listening your composition Ariake, an interesting and colorful piece. » Wally HASE
» I can assure you that your beautiful piece will be part of my contemporary repertoire and I will include it in my concert programmes when I have the possibility to perform in a flute solo concert. » Luisa SELLO Italy
« I have just listened to Ariake. Very interesting piece. I intend to study it. I think I can create a lot of different atmospheres. » Elisabeth MÖST Germany
“I like your atmospheric piece « Ariake« !” Wissam BOUSTANY Flautist and Founder of Towards Humanity
« Your music is grate. » Ion Bogdan STEFANESCU flute Romania
Au désert demeure la paix
» That is a beautiful piece!!! I like your musical imagination , the sounds and gestures, so suggestive, evocative. Really my style of music. It has been a super nice discovery. The first! » Carmen TRONCOSO
« … has particularly struck me, where he develops a melodic discourse that evokes melodies of Arabic origin. » Jaume TORRENT
« Hauntingly beautiful piece! » Angel CHAVEZ / Composer / Venezuela
« Really beautiful! » Christian LAVERNIER guitar
« Thank you for your music; beautiful sounds and colours (I particularly enjoyed the evocative ‘Au désert demeure la paix’) Emily BEYNON principal flute of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
« Thank you again for this wonderful discovery. Gorgeous! What a nice surprise! « Catherine EGO author, actress, co-founder of Paroles Égales, le théâtre pour l’oreille, Canada.
« I was fascinated by your Duo. A very beautiful and idiomatic and effective piece »
Stephen RECK, guitar UK.
» A very nice piece, very skilled writing for the instruments and musically atmospheric! » Martin FOGEL, guitar, Associate of the Royal Academy of Music, London / Artist-in-residence, University of Southampton.
« Thank you for a wounderful work and talent. »
Teri FORSCHER-MILTER flute & Marina ALEXANDRA guitar duo DeVista Columbia, South Carolina USA
« Great to know!! I’m hearing and loving « Au désert demeure la paix » right now! » Thiago ABDALLA Brasil
« Ave Maria (4 women voices) is very beautiful indeed! I enjoyed every second of it! It is like a meditation. I am sure that the other members of Res Mira will love it too ». Raisa LAHTIRANTA Voice teacher, choir conductor at Kauniainen Music School Finland.
Ballad of the Lads of Monleon « You work is fabulous, I’m impressive to see how you made a choir composition from this old song. I have no words. Beautiful. » Pilar LIRIO, soprano, Spain.
Barbara’s songs arrangements for voice & ancient instruments
« It really is a captivating repertory! » Béatrice Mayo-Felip soprano
Bluebird AATTBB a cappella
« We enjoyed your piece, especially the rhythm! » Owain Park The GesualdoSix director, composer
Brice Canyo Navajo Loop
» We are playing your wonderful Bryce Canyon piece! I love the piece! We can’t wait to perform it! »
Canto a la naturaleza
« I loved the canto; simplicity (apparent), fluency of speech, while deep, great tenderness, candor expressed, but also poetry and I can not put into words the feeling of a deep thought as meditated. With few notes the thought is conveyed. » Isabel ETINGER guitarist.
» Every time I hear it I find it more beautiful! » Tomas WAISBEIN Argentina
» I have listened to your music: My compliments! » Claudio MANDONICO composer conductor
La chanson d’Aline « It is with emotion that I had the opportunity to read the score, I particularly appreciate the way of posing immediately colors, in simplicity and tender melancholy. It is a delicacy for which I am grateful » Patrick AMSTUTZ author (of the poem), research associate at the Universities of Freiburg and Paris-III.
Chanson éléphantine « Thanks for this little jewel sweet and savory. The world of this song pleases me enormously. » Claire-Marie MILLE, choirmaster.
» Its always inspiring to know and hear the work of another great composer like you. I enjoyed very much Chiaroscuro, many congrats! I keep your music in my radar for the future for sure » Andrés MARTIN
« Chiaroscuro is the result of a nice vision of JC Rosaz…. the bright and the dark alternate. Then we checked together the playability and that make a wonderful result. This expressive piece is great for elevation! Technical level: advanced. » Thierry BARBE doublebass
« »Programmed as encore, Chiaroscuro was noted for its purity. » Evan RUNYON
« Me parece muy interesante su trabajo, voy a estudiar tu pieza lo tendre al corriente. »
Mauricio ROMERO doublebass
« I’ve enjoyed listening to your music. I also enjoyed Chiaroscuro for bass. » Aaron LARGET-CAPLAN guitar
Cléopâtre « The instrumentation in its restriction itself, is very judiciously used and the score is full of discoveries … an inventive ear of patches… » A. MABIT.Colporteur !
«Quite interesting research rhythmic sophistication of the orchestration and also by the balance between music accessible to children and developing sufficient to avoid the risk of banality, I read it with pleasure»
Dans les eaux polaires – In the polar waters
» The work is so beautiful! »
Esteban ROLDAN director MUSICAMÉRICA | coro de cámara / ARMONÍA BUENOS AIRES | mujeres de música / P.A.I.S. | música argentina a voces / COMPAÑIA CORAL DEL MUNDO | musicamovimiento
» I listened to it and found it really beautiful, also the idea of an imaginary language. » Carmen TRONCOSO
Dans un grand ciel triste et mauve
» Wonderful (seems Debussy a bit) Complimenti! » Anna GORYACHOVA
De l’ombre surgit… & Preludio al deserto
« Me ha gustado mucho, así como la vertiginosa perspectiva de Jerôme. » Pere RIBERA
De l’ombre surgit « Very beautiful, it’s interesting how the shadow comes from the sky to earth… »
Stefano GIANNOTTI composer Italy
« I read the compositions for harpsichord: they are beautiful » Irène ASSAYAG.
» De l’ombre surgit is really a very nice piece for harpsichord that I would have great fun to play ».
Bibiane LAPOINTE Art. Dir. Les Cyclopes / Responsable Département de Musique Ancienne Pôle Supérieur Paris Boulogne Billancourt
De temps en temps
« Me ha invitado a pasear sobre las notas, en un viaje creativo. El piano marca muy bien el ritmo de ese paseo. » Pere RIBERA
Depuis la nuit
« Your music is very sensible and full of emotions. Thanks for such a great work! We’re really fallen in love with your masterpiece » Depuis la nuit » and always sing it with delight and emotions. »
Nataly KUZOVLEVA Female Academic Choir of College of Culture & Arts cond. Tatiana OSTROVSKAYA / Fominyh , Ukraine
« Emotion in discovering the music that inspired my poem… I detect the attention that was yours to the words, the certain beauty of melodic phrases.I also like the way you introduced the repetition of sighs, which subtly carry the scansion of the text to interpret it, I can only bow before your talent, and be grateful for having prolonged, densified, enriched what was only language.
« Poem born of the night, of negation, of separation, poem-prayer, a demand, a question which opens the sketch of a star, of legitimate hope.
Sleeping for months, since the night has found new life and breath thanks to the music of Jean-Christophe Rosaz. Happy encounter of words and sounds, imaginations, sensibilities, sublimation of the verbal idea by the harmonic weaving, the rhythmic breaths of the composer’s work. The music of J.-C. Rosaz, attentive, respectful, knew how to densify the evocative capacity of the poem, to give form and substance to the meaning of the words, to the unlimited which overflows them. I thank him for it. « Sophie BERNARD author
« It is also a delicate moment when you receive a composition… I clicked with a trembling hand … and I found it magnificent! It is a beautiful clarity in the night. » Marie-Clotilde MOES, choir director.
Diligam te, Domine
« Congratulations!. It is a wonderful work that from the first moment I wanted to include in our editions. Many thanks for your music » Alonso Gómez Gallego Director de Coro (Coro Amadeus) Spain.
Soberbio trabajo Maestro, enhorabuena! maravilloso trabajo…Música e imágenes geniales! » Pere RIBERA
Dreamer on a landscape
« Magnificent piece! A beautiful hijack of the traverso Un beau détournement du traverso! » Carole REUGE.
« I really liked this piece… it’s really beautiful, this atmosphere of intrumental minimalism but with a very strong and intense expressiveness … a mood that puts a colore of oriental musical mode in a contemporary composition. « Fadia Tomb El Hage (Lebanon).
Elémentaire mon cher Watson
« I’ve just looked at your pieces – both are so charming, and such a surprise to see so many trombones in a work of music theatre! Your work sounds extremely interesting! Bravo! »
John KENNY trombone, sakebut, carnyx, composer, professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama London
Entré je suis en grande pensée
« It is with deep emotion that I discovered this morning the piece. I read and reread: I find very high quality and I am honored that a so beautiful story is dedicated to the ensemble Opalescences. » S. SALEMBIER.
» Excelente! Qué interesante partitura! » Giovanna CARUSO Directora Ensamble Vocal Tomás Luis de Victoria Magíster en Dirección Teatral U. de Chile
Era escuro
» It is a beautiful and inspiriting music! Zado Eastern European Vocal Ensemble
« Thank you for this surprise: I really like the progress of your composition, the purity of its line and its organic inflections ! » Anne-Sylvie CASAGRANDE, composer, singer, member of the a cappella vocal trio Norn. (Switzerland)
« I appreciate a lot your music writing, Era oscuro is beautiful and the young singers of the music school enjoy. » Pierre-Line MAIRE, chorus master and artistic director of the Ensemble Vocal Canzone and Opus à Voix, mezzo-soprano and flutist.
Et si au dessus des nuages
« Looking up to heaven, while ignoring the earth, one can only be attracted by this blue area, by the processions of clouds which often cover it. Then the imagination begins to wander. What about this space out of reach? Is it not the image of the infinite, the unattainable? These clouds which are like a distant presence are the first step before the mind does realize that it will fail to discover the secret of this blue: all hope is vain, but without feeling sadness. Let us watch, let us go to dream. Thank you very much for the partition of the poem that you have set to music, I am very pleased with this mark of interest in this small poem. » Max ALHAU.
Evening song
« Thank you very much for this very beautiful piece! » Julia TRINTSCHUK guitar Germany
« I just heard Fascination, congratulations! Excellent! I really like it.. » Marina LOPEZ clarinet / Argentina
« For constant heart, Three songs of William Shakespeare« Singing the most beautiful love poems, enshrined in passionate and beautiful music, created on the occasion of extraordinary scores, intended to become true » best sellers » of the repertoire, composed for you by a friend … thank you Jean-Christophe Rosaz for its extraordinary universe, inspiring, demanding, and his so vocal writing, for the beauty of his inspiration « Frédéric ALBOU bass-baritone, the cycle is dedicated to him and Orlando Bass, piano
Frammenti del Paradiso and Principium Caelum
“The two texts submitted to the music are very demanding on the human level and your music emphasizes very well how the two poets want to express.” Marco GHILARDI, choir director, Italy
« In joy and gratitude for your work, always under the impression strong and touching of your composition on my poem, I sincerely thank you. » Eva-Maria BERG.
Le Géant endormi
» We both find your repertoire very interesting and particularly enjoyed your “Le géant endormi” for violin and piano. Regarding a future collaboration, we would be delighted to premiere « Le géant endormi » or other pieces you wrote for violin and piano duo here in Portugal. » Duo Concêntrico / Josefina Alcaide Fernandes, violin & Gonçalo Simões, piano / Portugal
« Splendid « Sleeping giant! Congratulations and admiration for this work. Musically dedicated feelings. »
Manuel CORNEJO chairman of Maurice Ravel friends association
« Thank you very much for your wonderful music. I really like it. And your piece is absolutely amazing. I am in love with it. » Ekaterina BELAYA Marie Cantagril International Violin Competition 2018 Sonority price / St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra
« Your music is inspired and sounds true. The work has attracted many people who appreciated the fluidity and, at the same time, the density. The amazing thing is that, somehow, all the singers have never lived like this partition. The work has paid off, but something stronger happened … from the domain of the unspeakable ».
Jean-Christophe Rosaz is a composer who loves and honors the sacred texts. Gloria for male voices a cappella is designed to showcase all the subtleties of this beautiful text, rhythms irresistibly stick the text, polyphony illuminates, magnifies, wedding intentions effectively, but also a kind of modesty exceeded once the real difficulties of implementation, when we worked together and given, we have felt, more or less consciously, that we were invited to put ourselves at the service of something, someone … The music, when it meets a need in the inner composer has that power. Gloria it is a convincing illustration »
Pierre CHAROULET, chorus master.
« I studied the score, the scents, colors and dynamics that emerge from your composition that requires a certain maturity of the work to give all its splendor. I liked what you wrote and hope to have the pleasure of direct your Passions. I also found the spirit of composers that I like as Franck, Reger and Ropartz. »
Hugo GUTIERREZ chorus master.
« I thought I heard the angels singing Gloria« a listener.
Hommage au Tango
« Hommage au tango is beautiful! » Aleksandra POPOVIC WONDERSTRINGS / Serbia
« Such a great piece! » Norman GOMEZ BALLESTER composer guitarist director / Spain
» Splendid! » Wacław TUREK Accordion Polland
» Very nice! » FOLIAS DUO Carmen MARET & Anfew BERGERON
» … is very interesting, where he produces attractive effects with a dialogue between atonal (random?) Languages of the violin and the guitar. »Jaume TORRENT Spain
« Thank you for your beautiful music » Jesus CASTRO-BALBI, cellist, USA.
« Francesco (Diodovich) and I greatly appreciate your composition and we’re pleased recording it in our CD dedicated to Tango. » Giovanna BUCCARELLA cello Duo Mateaux Italy
Hymn of the Universe
» Thanks so much for your wonderful « Hymn of the Universe. » Elizabeth McAnally, PhD /USA
» Your music is very rich and profound. I really liked it. Especially, I loved Hymn to the Universe . Thank you for introducing me to your music. I wish you all the best, and maybe one day I will have the opportunity to perform some of your works. » Silvia Tabor Artistic Director, conductor of Orchestre interculturel de Montréal.
« I was struck by the fluidity of your music …. I love its sacred side that exalts the beauty of the world … I love this music that expresses the sacred … Your music is close to prayer … Maybe because you know how to associate it with sacred texts in sacred places … Perhaps also because you often use the human voice, in different languages – music makes all language Transparent to praise the Creator! Thus the human is not only associated as a musical instrument but as an essential component of creation, integrated, exalted to sing the gift of God … Your Cantate is part of your way, your research, always in progress, in this exaltation of spirituality – all Franciscan – that you knew how to retain from Teilhard’s writings. I was deeply touched … Sincerely yours, wonderful original dispenser of beautiful sacred music » Remo VESCIA
« I enjoyed your cantata in tribute to Teilhard de Chardin. I place the same level as the compositions of Olivier Messiaen and in a genre sometimes similar. I just listen to your Cantate again and my first impression is strengthened, deepened. The sculptural, mineral and geometric side sets itself up in a « breath » of spirituality. I would not be surprised that this work becomes a great » classic « . Jean Pierre FRESAFOND President of Association Lyonnaise Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
« I was delighted to hear the words of Teilhard expressed so passionately by singers and musicians so closely united. It was a « noospheric » moment, of a great beauty where the universal soul was present. »
Chantal AMOUROUX Secretary General of the Association of Friends of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
« Thank you very much for sending the recording of your composition that I really appreciated. » Hilaire GIRON Chairman of the Association of Friends of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
« Congratulations for your beautiful, powerful and crystalline cantata, so pure as the living water – that of eternal life and so warm as the Love that springs to the heart of creation – we have heard the vibrations of the Earth and we were seized, trained by the radiance of the Divine Center, thanks to its creator for giving us the opportunity to take part in the delivery of this splendid musical work dedicated to Father Teilhard de Chardin. « Dominique VANDIER
« Thank you and congratulations to you for this unusual composition, original, of a metaphysical reach quite successful that takes us! The texts of Father Teilhard (well chosen) induce a meditation on our own essence (Spirit and Matter) very well supported by your music including certain effects that create emotion … maybe to help us to touch « the Essential », the Divine in us … beautiful perspective sought by all the mystics of the world …! » Richard BOUDARHAM conductor
« Thank you for this very beautiful musical piece, very exciting! » Teilhard « confessed » one day that he would have preferred to be the shadow of Wagner rather than Darwin’s! He must have smiled with ease in the Light… » Marie-Jeanne COUTAGNE doctor of philosophy, member of the Board of Teilhard de Chardin Foundation
« Thanks for these echoes of a thought that has not finished widening our gaze! » Thierry MAGNIN Doctor of Physical Sciences and Doctor of Theology, Rector of the Catholic University of Lyon
I have a dream
» I really like the song about Martin Luther King! it’s right in the ball park of IVP! Hope that you keep on making great music! » Sheilah CUFFY Musical and Artistic Director INSIDE VOICES PARIS
« Thanks to you Jean Christophe, your music is great! » Alvaro FERRATTI
If I could see perfume
« It is a lovely effective piece and I very much look forward to playing it. Thank you! » Susan KING Australia
Native America songs
« Thank you for sharing your Indian Songs with us. I have enjoyed discovering your music. »
Thomas BRAMEL, composer, President Three Essential Elements, Ltd.
« I listened to the Indian songs, I was well impressed, did not want to switch it off. »
Simon BECK snow & sand art
« I watched the link to the YouTube performances and enjoyed it, some I thought haunting. I’m interested in what you propose as a collaboration ».
Laura TOHE Ph.D.Navajo Nation Poet LaureateASU Professor Emeritus
« I have already enjoyed the piece for solo sop, orch and choir based on Indian themes and look forward to further listening. There is a richness and scope to the piece I have heard which I like a great deal. » Andy GUTHRIE / The Work Place Choir / UK
« I really liked your Indian Songs » Kyrill ZVEGINTSOV pianist and conductor / Switzerland
» Masterful « Indian Songs », congratulations. » Pere RIBERA artist / Spain
« I listen to your composition Indians Songs. It sounds haunting. » Rhonda HEAD Indigenous, Aboriginal, Cree, Mezzo, author, writer.
» I just listened to your « Indian Songs » and like it a lot…human voice is really the greatest instrument. I would love to discuss possibilities with you and explore your music and goals in order to make your art accessible to millions of people around the globe. » Miran Vaupotić Project Director PARMARECORDINGS
« I listened to some of your works on youtube and read the lyrics you sent, it is a very interesting project you have put together. »Tasha SPILLETT poet, Nehiyaw and Trinidadian origin/ Canada
« I’m glad to get to know you. I wish you much success. Your « Indian songs » are beautiful! » Robert KOLINSKY piano, Künstlerische Leitung MARTINŮ FESTTAGE
Magnific ! » Wacław TUREK Accordion Polland
» We do like it very much! We are so interested in seeing the details! The video is enough to show us that it is a lovely rendition. »Margaret Ann Noodin American poet and Anishinaabemowin language teacher. Associate Professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee.
» I appreciate you sharing this work. It’s all quite impressive. » Gregg DEAL artist Pyramid Lake Paiute, American
» Beautiful writing! » John MASSARO Principal Conductor for Phoenix Opera
“Thank you very much for making contact and sending these examples of your wonderful music. You write beautifully for the voice, bravo. I particularly enjoyed the Indian Songs. Ils sont très beaux. » Robert NORDLING Music Director of the Baroque on Beaver Island Music Festival, the Bandung Philharmonic, the Shoreline Music Society and the Lake Forest Civic Orchestra
« To simply say that I am most impressed would be not just a waste of time but a minor thought in my thinking. First I am flabbergasted at your strength and obviously your great talent. I am so deeply impressed with your fantastic work of not just talent/expertise, creativity but heart and soul. Thank you so much. Please accept my deep and humble thanks. I am very pleased, delighted. »
Maurice KENNY Mohawk writer (author of Coyote’s song)
» I just listen and watched your « Indian Songs ». Very nice! » Brent Michael DAVIDS American Mohican Indian composer.
« I really loved having conducted this piece. It is great and beautiful and I hope that very soon, it will be part of the » repertory « . Martina NIERNHAUSSEN conductor who has premiered the score
« Great,very interesting! » Benjamin ASHKENAZY conductor
Congratulations for this well-written piece » Daniele CALLEGARI conductor
» Great music! I like it very much. » Michael ERNI President EGTA Switzerland
» I listened all of your Indian Songs and I think they’re wonderful… To be honest, I listened your piece the 2nd time today and it speaks to me again nicely. Your music for sure has special quality that speaks to me.The orchestral colors reminds me Debussy, Messiaen and tender side of Wagner…but it’s clearly Rosaz. I am going to listen to more compositions from the links that you provide. If I had an orchestra on hand, I wouldn’t hesitate to perform it in the U.S. Please accept my congratulations on your Indian Song (and wish more to come) ».
Gong Qian YANG Composer, Violinist, Producer & Publisher / Chicago USA.
« These Native America songs are a very beautiful piece. Congratulations. » Jean-Christophe KECK musicologist and conductor, specialist of J. Offenbach, editor of his complete works.
« So many emotions singing your work, when will be the next? » Elisabeth CHAGNIOT soprano
« Speaking about music is rather like grafting words onto a composition. From whatever angle, your comments crash against the basic unity of the work. This is particularly true of Jean-Christophe Rosaz’s Indian Songs. Their multiple musical roots unite different spiritual traditions, yet can never be reduced by the dry simplicity of analysis.
I received this music as a celebration, a path along both religious and poetic texts which lead in English, French, Spanish, Quechua, Anishabe… to the same truth.
I should like to share the emotion of this route through life, of a music that wraps itself around us and leads us to unite with nature’s elements. This is no mere seduction : it is a spell. Jean-Christophe Rosaz seems to access the secrets of languages and peoples and summon them through music in an irrational coherence that calls forth the whole variety of an underlying world that is silent but active.As soon as the sun rises, we join the mystery of the world and welcome the morning sun, the energy that gives life to everything.
The prayers (Oh Great Spirit, May the Sun rise in Splendor, Morning Sun, Ojibwe, Lakota, Salish chants) fold and unfold like entangled banners, and order themselves into a musical offering we feel compelled to be as one with.
For a while we follow the dance of the daughters of stars and are overburdened by the longing for a lost and far away home (Jane Johnston Schoolcraft’s Daanisag anongonsag, noodinag, zaagaagig, Anishinabe). Soon we savour the joy of our recovered freedom, when we are overwhelmed by the orchestra’s deep waves, all barriers are broken and we are swept away to encounter a subtle space, a paradise where time is abolished (“ La grande mer a rompu ses amarres » – The Great Sea has broken away – et « L’âme parvient à la terre des Esprits » – The Soul reaches the Land of Spirits – after Uvavnuk, an Eskimo shaman ; after W. W. Waren, daughter of an Indian mother and a white father). A superb Quechua chant responds to this subtle world by evoking the unity of all the elements : earth, sky, water, fire, man, woman, day, night (Allpa hanaqpacha unu…)Then « Coyote » appears.
The plaintive song of the flute and clarinet (C # – G # – B, then C # – G # – B – G natural) heralds in the Night. The ancient animal hurtles down the Adirondacks. These rock mountains have been abused by human « progress », deforested, scarred by the railway, but they too have learnt to regenerate and survive.
While the breathless orchestra sets a tempo to its power, the Coyote suddenly stops, and observe us, waiting till we are gone. Then, escorted by the returning flute melismas, it withdraws to Night, its kingdom, and sings. It sings, beyond the hills, a threatened world.
When the pure, deep, fluid voice of the Argentine soprano Yolanda Fresedo rises, the coyote’s spirit is present, like the « hors-venu »*, an outsider in its sidereal course.
The voice, choir, orchestra, sublimated by Martina Niernhaussen’s direction, unite subtly and sing on texts by Maurice Kenny (born in 1929 to a Mohawk father and a Seneca-descended mother) ; a poem awakens the longing for hidden beauties, it is the apex of this « opera » dedicated to Nature.
Being a singer himself, Jean-Christophe Rosaz knows how to write for human voices and handles musical matter like a shaman, summons the whole range of sound vibrations, evoking shimmering colours in a whirl that sometimes reaches incandescence. Then emotion takes hold of us, and we are at one with his music. The audience no longer move, cough, or ramble. They listen and hear. They live with the soul of time, and no longer fill it with notes.
This is a moment of powerful communion, beyond the reach of analysis. Silence, which Guitry and Celibidache valued so much, is full, filled with Rosaz’s music.Later, somewhere, a shaman dances. He calls forth the forces in the world (Thunder Beings) for the time has come to reconcile this world (To Encircle the Earth with all our Love). Only then shall we be able to unify it and make it quiver in the light of our love. En un vuelo de luz, inspired by an eighteenth century Quechua poem, reminds us that if we respond to the call of the light that comes from the faraway space where everything springs from, we at last perceive the words of wisdom this world never ceases to utter.
At the pure hour when everything unites, we hear a song of hope, resistance and resilience: mountains communicate, and man, now become Man, advances toward Beauty (This is the Song of the Hills, Yokut, Navajo, Arapaho poems).The musical progress is completed, and we as an audience have been « reconstructed », « enchanted », by the so moving truth of this work, after receiving an ultimate gift, wrapped in obsessive and grandiose music : the Comanche Testament, the conviction they offered the whole of humanity: We shall live again. May humanity hear it at last! Monique ROUSSELLE
« Your composition is magnificent. It is very thought provoking and wonderfully mystical in nature. I especially enjoy the « mood » that your work creates. It definitely holds the attention of the audience. Bravo. » J.D. GODDARD Founder and Artistic Director: Master Singers, Inc. Chorale; Conductor: MSI Orchestra, Euclid Symphony Orchestra; Artistic Director: Chagrin Valley Choral Union; Correspondent / Reviewer:
« What a superb performance of the poem by Maurice Kenny! This beautiful music is a blend of Indian tradition and Occident. » Dr. Alice-Catherine CARLS Tennessee University.
» Your piece Native America Songs is magnificent, wow, so magnificent !! Thanks for sharing your gift with me ! » Clarice ASSAD.
« Thank you also for the links provided to your fascinating work. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your compositions, especially your Indian songs ». Christian BESTER, Artistic Director – Voces Intimae: The Art of Song Baylor University Texas, USA.
» I find them very beautiful and inspiring. Very well written for the voice too. »
Sarah DEFRISE soprano Belgium
» Indian songs is a really fascinating and deep composition and I like it very much!!! »
Andreas HILLER guitar
» What a beautiful, voluptuous, sensitive piece it is! I love your use of color both in the voice and in the orchestra… congratulations for it! » Noa FRENKEL mezzo-soprano
« It is a pleasure to be introduced to your work. Native America Songs is a brilliant and inspired score.” Bernie KRAUSE American musician and bioacoustician, foundator of Wild Sanctuary, an organization dedicated to the recording of natural soundscapes, author of The great animal orchestra Ph.D. from Union Institute & University in Cincinnati.
« That work is really an extraordinary achievement . » Alain BESSON composer
« Great piece, Indian songs! » Ioan DOBRINESCU Composer, Editor, Romania.
« Awesome device for this ample work which will see, I hope, the diffusion that it deserves! » Catherine DELPEUCH cellist
« Majestic work, excellent soprano, remarkable composer … » Magda LUKOVIC soprano.
“Congratulations for your music. Well done. Good work. That music is always with you.”
Roberto Bernie MARINELLI composer
« Thank you for your terrific Indian Songs! » Katerina MINA soprano
« Thank you for introducing me to your music, beautiful, rich and sensitive. I’m particularly affected by Indian Songs, both in terms of musical colors that selected poems, which the connection to Earth and Nature speaks to me enormously. « Stephanie PALAZZO soprano
In Jail – thinking to Camille
» He encontrado una gran conexión entre la música y la obra de Rodin. » Pere RIBERA
« Thank you for this communication of a new part of your composition. It is impressive. A magnificent result and interpretation of Calliope, but what a shock: despite the music, despite the voices despite the text, time seems to be suspended. Or rather, we see it pass without being able to overcome or enjoy it. It is a music of the empty, spiritual and even physical mind. A music of nothingness while we sense that so many things happen beyond. If that’s your idea of prison confinement, I never want to know the prison. We have the feeling of a progressive mental collapse.
Your piece « Injail » marks the beginning of the confinement and the descent into hell. No hope, no light, no life can hint there, at the end of this tunnel that seems endless …
In any case, this piece is a success. A thousand bravos. I cannot wait to hear the record in which it will be. I especially hear in my times of self-criticism and doubt to regain the sense of measure and the taste of life ». Michel GRINAND reporter Avant Choeur
« This is great. Love the piece! » Benjamin ELLIN Conductor/Composer
« Very nice piece, haunting … » Philippe KRUTTLI
« Heavenly evanescent music… for informed public. » Paul LEROY painter, poet, Belgium
Jean de la Lune (Moon Man)
« Me regala un cierto misterio cautivador y emotivo, tal vez acentuado por las voces de los niños unidas a la música. » Pere RIBERA
« I’ve just looked at your pieces – both are so charming, and such a surprise to see so many trombones in a work of music theatre! Your work sounds extremely interesting! Bravo! » John KENNY trombone, sackbut, carnyx, composer, professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama London
« I had a wonderful time in the company of your music. Congratulations for this great show! »
Thérèse WILLER, art historian, curator of the Tomi Ungerer Museum – International Center of drawings in Strasbourg.
« A big thank for this Jean de la Lune that I had the happiness to discover. What a great team work, congratulations for your courageous and rewarded initiative » Catherine BOLZINGER, choir director of the Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Artistic Director of Voix de Strass and professor of choral conducting at the Strasbourg National Conservatory.
« Beautiful! Your work is wonderful! I was very touched to hear John of the Moon. I think his music goes straight to the heart. » Luciana ELIZONDO viola da gamba, Argentina.
Jeanne d’Arc oratorio
« Merci de nous avoir proposé une œuvre si belle et si poétique; pleine de sensibilité, elle met en valeur l’œuvre de Péguy et lui donne une actualité et une présence nouvelle. Votre composition a su tenir compte de nos limites et, tout à la fois, nous inciter à nous dépasser. Nous avons eu un très grand plaisir à la chanter et la mise en place des interventions des musiciens, des chanteurs et du récitant a renouvelé notre intérêt: tout se met en concordance et en résonance. Vous nous avez fait un superbe cadeau! » Martine Montanier, Choeur Orléans Val de Loire
La Jérusalem Céleste (organ)
« It’s absolutely fantastic … I have rarely heard such an expressive contemporary music for organ! »
Jean-Luc IFFRIG conductor, organist
» Your music is magnificent. » Eric LEBRUN organist, composer
« Your composition is so amazing. Wonderful. Unbelievable. » Chiu Yu CHEN piano, chamber music, Taïwann.
« La Jérusalem Céleste is a phantastic organpeace! » Hartmut SIEBMANNS organ, cantor
« I really like your beautiful compositions. The sensitive poetic and free-flowing improvisational ideas in La Jerusalem celeste are so appropriate for the organ. This is a most fine contribution to the organ repertory! The simple beauty of your well-written liturgical music also pleases me. »
Carolyn Shuster Fournier International concert organist and titular of the Aristide Cavaillé-Coll choir organ at the Trinité Church in Paris.
« « I read your work with pleasure and I was seduced by his improvisatory aspect, lack of academic development and use of the instrument, my impression is very good, Guy BOVET, Organist (owner of the Collegiate Church of Neuchâtel in 1988) and Swiss composer, Doctor honoris causa from the University of Neuchatel, Institute Award in the same city, he is a professor at the Music Academy of Basel, a lecturer at the Conservatory of Bologna (I), the University of Salamanca (E), he taught at Berlin, Lübeck, Hamburg, Vienna, Helsinki, Oslo, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Moscow, Dublin, London, Feldkirch, Marseilles, Lyon, Freiburg, Haarlem ( NL), Warsaw (PL), Arona and Pistoia (I), Greensboro (USA), Brussels (B), New England Conservatory of Music (Boston), the Universities of Ontario (Canada), Cincinnati, Dallas and Oregon (USA) Board of numerous international competitions and co-founder of the Swiss Competition Organ.
« The diptych for organ attracted me a lot, the meaning seems to me to be very logical, I like the rich harmonies, flowing lines. « Alain MABIT, a student of Olivier Messiaen, Claude Ballif and Isoir, head of department at the Paris Conservatoire, organist, composer.
« A composition of great musical interest and creativity » Robert COINEL, pour le comité de lecture Les Amitiés Musiciennes Henri Sauguet.
« Eine grosse, neue französische Orgelmusik, dass klinget sehr reizvoll und aufregend “
Arwed HENKING, Organiste et Chef de Choeur à Göttingen (Allemagne)
Jeu de Miroir
« I am impressed by the diversity and the amount you have managed to create. The world needs creative souls. I listened to your ”Jeu de Miroir ” with great pleasure. »
Janis STRAZDINS member of TheRealGroup (Sweden)
« Maravilloso, incomparable,, de una excelencia artística extraordinaria como composición e interpretación de la Coral Femenina. Felicitaciones y muchísimas gracias! » Guillermo Cárdenas Dupuy Director Coral Femenina Marta Gordon / Chile
« I don’t understand how, but I liked this piece there is something truly mesmerizing »
« Sounds like Elf music from Lord of the RIngs in the beginning! »
« I don’t really know why but it reminds me of a Kubrick film. »
» Another Master Work. the music, the images the interpretation, the experience. »
« I love it, but I don’t know why. It is very mysterious. »
Je vous salue Marie Mère du Pacifique
« The more I listen to it, the more I am conquered and touched. » Benoît RIOU baritone
The Wonderful Legend of St Benoit
« Congratulations on your endeavor, and well done! » The Benedictine Confederation, Rome
« The music is very beautiful and very well written … Bravo, really, and this is really very suitable for amateur choruses, choristers are lucky to create that. » Marion DELCOURT soprano, choirmaster
« Talent, efficiency and professionalism of the creators of this inhabited work, on which we will be able to spend a whole season without ever being bored, but on the contrary, surprised to discover there always and again, new and beautiful surprises! » Jean-Benoit WALKER-VIRY choir director
« The deepening work has further revealed the beauty of the music and the pleasure of singing it. »
« It’s very beautiful and your music reflects in a way that amazes me the exchanges we have had.The osmosis with the text and the images it suggests is impressive, congratulations for this great achievement! »
Pierre LAURENT choir director
« I went in search of a simple writing, ensuring that it is quite rich and varied while remaining within the same language inspired by these lives of monks of the sixth century and I hope evocative enough while adding a touch of modernity. » JC ROSAZ
« Very big emotion, I think the whole thing is very beautiful, coherent, suggestive, beautiful work, congratulations! » Gérald CASTERAS author
L’arbre du voyageur
« Congratulations ! Beautiful interpretation and I am very happy that this will be published! Thank you again! » Kimihiro YASAKA
La verseuse du matin
on a poem by Hubbert HADDAD: « really beautiful, thank you very much » the author.
Lament (Britten) arrgt for saxo & guitar (or organ)
« Bravo!!! » Elisa Urrestarazu Capellán
« I am interested from your arrangement from Britten, that is a really beautiful music. I have a Duo with guitar and cello, maybe can I do a beautiful version.It will be a pleasure for us to play this amazing arrangement from you. » Felipe Celis CATALAN
Letters to an unknown woman for string quartet (or violin, 2 viola, cello)
» It’s very beautiful, contemplative, dense, dark and mysterious » Caroline CHARIOT-DAYEZ
Inside the cello
» Very nice! » Giovanna BUCCARELLA
Liberté couleur de feuilles, a poem by René-Guy CADOU:
« I was literally spellbound by your piano reduction of your score for double choir » Joel BARREAU.
« A work full of life and remarkably written for voice » Adrienne CLOSTRE, Grand Prix de Rome en 1949, Grand Prix musical de la Ville de Paris en 1955, Prix Florence Gould en 1976 et Prix Musique de la SACD en 1987.
Middle age song
« Fabulous! » Walter SEYFARTH / Berliner Philharmoniker
» Thanks for sharing this amazing piece! I marvel at how a composer’s mind can come up with such fascinating tone patterns. Thanks for posting the score with the audio – I found it more compelling, being able to follow along on the pages. Your performance is really beautiful; so colorful and expressive. I am saving that link so I can listen to the piece again! »
Trish FREDERICK to Chester BREZNIAK the interpret
« The piece is really beautiful! » Erminia NIGRO Italy
» It’s a very intriguing piece, including the title. Rhapsodic, and spontaneous, not exactly melancholy. Beautifully performed! « Nina HERRERA Graduated from Harvard University, novels, music, visual artist to Chester BREZNIAK the interpret
« Your music is deep, it speaks with specific colors that add to that depth. » Chester BREZNIAK clarinet USA
» Really impressive and meditative work! » Andrea MONTALBANO Compositore – Clarinettista – Insegnante / Italy
Milonga pampeana
» Una belleza! Felicitaciones al compositor Jean-Christophe Rosaz que captó la esencia de la milonga pampeana, brindándole su calidad y calidez musical, en una muestra de su evidente conocimiento de la guitarra. » Marina LOPEZ Argentina
» Congratulations ! » Clarissa ASSAD composer
Northern Lights – Hodie Christus natus est for 4 women and 4 men soloists, 4 choirs singing overtones dedicated to European Overtone Choir
« We performed your piece in the way that we positioned 4 choir groups at each wall of the concert hall and the audience was in the center and had a lot of joy. » Wolfgang SAUS who has commissioned the piece.
« Wonderful! » Jens MUEGGE
« Wonderful piece with its nocturnal moodiness, sudden bursts of electricity, almost humorous and a tad jazzy, then as if in a stream-of-consciousness Proustian gesture, un retour to the shimmering darkness de la nuit. All this, woven dexterously by JC with his masterful handling of time and rhythm, not to mention most appealing sonorities. » Chester BREZNIAK US
O magnum mysterium
« your piece worked very well and the public liked it very much. We’ll keep it in our concert repertoire. » Tristan MEISTER chorus master (Germany)
O mundo todo abarco – Soneto di Camoes
« Great! It fits very well the feeling of the poem. Very succeeded! I love instrumental breathing which brings us just a Camões (in one hour, one thousand years …) » Philippe de SOUSA portuguese guitar, fado.
« Its awesome!!!! Congratulations for your work and great musical sense! » Martín MARINO composer conductor Camerata Argentina de guitarras
» I have listened to O mundo todo abarco and it is a beautiful work and especially well written for the guitar too! » Carlos BONELL
« Very interesting the coexistence between the choir with their long notes in « legato » and the four guitars emitting short, staccato and crystalline sounds. The contrast generates a very poetic climate. Bravo! »
Jaume TORRENT composer guitarist
» Your piece is amazing and I love to perform it. Let me tell you that we will do it more often! It is a great piece, in fact is one of my favorites in the entire repertoire! it is also very well written for voices! » Gonçalo Lourenço Doctor of Musical Arts in Choral Music Conducting Jacobs School of Music Indiana University / Conductor of Coro Autêntico and ESART Singers / Director and Founder of the Studio Conducere Choral Conducting Studio / composer
« We have just listened to your amazing tune O mundo todo abarco. You have a God-given talent and we will be following your inevitable future successes! it’s an honor to be your friends & fans. » Heidi
« Hi, a big thumbs up from me. I’m glad I’ve found your page here. I’ve been enjoying your music for quite some time. I bet you hear this all the time, but I was genuinely amazed when I first heard one of your tunes titled O Mundo Todo Abarco. » Nicholas
Of birds and men
» Thanks so much for sending this beautiful score/parts of “Of Birds and Men”…another masterpiece which I would love to learn and perform. The Argentinian group performed it with such care, energy, and understanding of your musical intent. »
Chester BREZNIAK Stephen Bates Quartet clarinet US
« I loved that piece so much! » Carmen TRONCOSO flute PhD
« Hola Maestro, la verdad es que no se por donde empezar para agradecerte ese maravilloso trabajo, esa magnífica música que desde hoy y para siempre serán parte y acompañarán mis obras. He oído, he escuchado atentamente cada nota, cada silencio de las tres composiciones y me han emocionado y llenado de sensaciones tan ricas como hermosas. Mis hijos, mi hermana, mi pareja y todos aquellos que han escuchado la música y me lo han comunicado, coinciden en que la música está totalmente y maravillosamente relacionada con la pintura. Antonio José Gascó Sidro, crítico de arte y musical, me ha escrito para decirme que le parece muy buena la composición, además de considerarte un gran compositor. Antonio es un buen amigo, pero que nunca habla por hablar. Así que quiero felicitarte y agradecerte (y no me cansaré nunca de hacerlo) que hayas solapado a mi obra tu música o mi obra a tu música, lo cual considero un honor y una veradera fortuna. Para celebrar este feliz encuentro, con este magnífico resultado artístico, voy a seguir divulgando tu trabajo, porque creo que debe conocerlo todo el mundo. Hoy aún me han llegado más comentarios positivos sobre tus composiciones y eso me alegra el corazón.
Maravilloso! Esto me ha resultado muy,muy,muy grande. Tu capacidad y generosidad creativa es increible! Muchas gracias!!!Gracias Maestro y adelante siempre! »
Gracias siempre a ti estimado amigo. Mi agradecimiento será eterno!
Llegaste a mi corazón y a mi alma con tu música!
Espero poder seguir compartiendo momentos mágicos y maravillosos.
Un fuerte abrazo y adelante!
Pere RIBERA painter / Spain
» Ho ascoltato la tua musica , è davvero bellissima. » Stefano GIANNOTTI / OTEME / Italy
« It is with great emotion that I listen to your work « Of birds and men ». In a very unusual way, I find all that I love in music. very contrasted, unreal harmonies, unexpected variations of rhythms, brilliant solos, expressive silences … but also a lot of feelings, astonishment, curiosity, anxiety, peace, happiness, joy. However, I am afraid I do not understand all the subtleties, as my musical culture is poor in the face of this surge of novelties, sounds from elsewhere, a very interior elsewhere that propels me in an imaginary very rich in emotions of all kinds. In a way, and on reflection, these two universes, that of humans and of birds, so different in appearance, are very much alike.Through the magic of sounds, they come and join together.Your work ends on the euphoric and joyful sensation of this communion of feelings, which speaks to us of the Universal Nature, and which incites us to great closeness. My wife, who shares these words well, joins me to send you a great BRAVO and wish this brilliant success, recognition and success that it deserves. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making us enjoy it so masterfully. « Jacques CAILLES
» Maravillosa obra! » Marina LOPEZ
» I love your language and your music! I’m truly greatful for being part of this project and to you specially for composing this beautyfull music! Beautyfull work! Estoy realmente cautivado por su lenguaje, sumamente disfrutable. » Gabriel WAISBEIN percussion / Argentina
« I can much better understand what’s behind modern classic music. Looking for new ways, to do it in a different way, trying to find inspiration from other sources. I think you have succeeded in a great way. Some time it sounds like that you imagine yourself in the Amazone, like a bird’s song. » Pieter van LEIJENHORST
Obra para dos
« Referring to a musical piece by the French composer Jean-Christophe Rosaz, his notes, which connect with the purest expressionism, seem to be chiseled on the nervous lines that prevail in the Pere Ribera’s paintings that serve as inspiration. This analogy of music and painting has his first great reference, for modernity period, in the theory of correspondences that Baudelaire sentenced in the poem that bears the same name. The basic idea that underlies here is dialogue – or rather, analogies – that connect apparently dissimilar elements. A line, a color, a note … all of them have a relationship with each other that helps the language to spread and the message to take shape. In this interrelation, Pere has found language and life. »
Rosalía TORRENT Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts of Jaume I University, director of MACVAC contemporary art museum Vicente Aguilera Cerni in Vilafamés (Spain)
Ombre et lumière
« It’s really beautiful, original et je pense que c’est genial!!!! Really enjoyed the music! Bravo!!! »
« Ombre et Lumiere is truly wonderful! Congrats again to you! » Catalin ROTARU
» I was very impressed by your superb composition and arrangement. » Silviu Alexandru MIHAILA baritone
O Salutaris, En revenant des Noces, She’s so lovely
« Marvellous ! » Gonçalo LOURENÇO (conductor and choirmaster, composer, Portugal).
Orage sur l’océan piano solo
« Mme ha llamado mucho la atención, sobre todo la gran simbiosis conseguida entre la música y las diacromias de Albiolo. » Pere RIBERA
« Your piano piece is beautiful!!! It would be wonderful if I receive a new piece from you. I am happy to be in contact with you and looking forward to future collaborations. » Jennifer HYMER
« I’m listening to Orage sur l’océan at this very moment. Thanks for sending it because it’s really in the style that I enjoy playing. Good choice. I would be very happy to include this in one of my programmes in the future. » Tricia Dawn WILLIAMS
Pace sulla terra
« We premiered Pace on Saturday and it was a great success. Lots of people came to speak with me after the concert and told me how much they enjoyed this new music. » Aoife HINEY conductor of Voz Nua
Par delà le temps
« Once again Jean-Christophe’s creative well conjures up and weaves deftly « old school » with « contemporary » in a most pleasing melange of instrumentation and his signature musical touch. Hopefully, Milhaud (and others) would have really enjoyed this delightful meeting. » Chester BREZNIAK clarinet / US
Par la fenêtre
« In the tradition of the descriptive miniatures that bloom in the organ literature, this small piece give us to hear delightful whispers of birds, free-floating over an ostinato bass and framed by quieter patterns, more sober, more regular. Allegory of the musician at work sometimes distracted, or dialogue between the calm teacher, sitting at his desk and the twirling student? Pictorial interpretations proposed by the composer himself … The selected registrations will give preference to crystalline sounds, emphasizing where it is possible the difference in character of the two families of patterns. A page that is in the direct legacy of the Olivier Messiaen’s birdsongs « . Pascale ROUET
« I just listened to the organ piece you have composed, and quite honestly, I find it extremely interesting, colorful, and a relatively easy approach! I would be happy to add it at my repertoire! Contemporary music is not always accessible, but this piece is descriptive! A small twinckle to Messiaen’s birds … maybe. This is a wonderful approach to contemporary music! A huge congratulations to you! « Michael MATTHES organ
Passage I
» Me han parecido muy originales, creo que es muy acertada para la composición. » Pere RIBERA
» Great work! » Bogdan MIHAILESCU guitar Romania
« Complimenti per la vostra attivitá e per le sue composizioni per chitarre! Musica molto ben scritta e veramente interessante. » Marco RAMELLI guitar / Italy.
“Working on your piece with my student, we are both knowing and appreciating your music more and more. If you have a new composition for solo guitar, it would be a pleasure for me to be interpreter of your music.”
Elena CASOLI guitar / Germany
Passage III – Yefiri
» I particularly enjoyed Yefiri. I had never heard something with that instrumentation and in my opinion, it’s rather pleasant to listen to. I will continue to listen to some more of your work. »
Rosangel PEREZ piano CUBA
« It is the deepest music I’ve heard the last months…The harmony touched me deep… »
Yannis PANTAZIS Grèce
Preludio al deserto
« la he encontrado muy sugerente, mientras observas la obra de Jerôme. » Pere RIBERA
Principium Caelum and Frammenti del Paradiso
“The two texts submitted to the music are very demanding on the human level and your music emphasizes very well how the two poets want to express.” Marco GHILARDI, choir director, Italy
Rorate caeli
« The acoustic of the St Steven Basilica was perfect for this music, it sounded very much as we had imagined! » Magnificat choir Budapest
« I find the piece as beautiful as the interpretation, bravo! I hope it will soon find its place in the repertory« . Mihaly ZEKE
« Quite extraordinary! » Bernie KRAUSE
« Really impresive » Francesco MERINO
Running to Paradise
« The music looks great… and will sound amazing! It certainly would be wonderful to sing it… a fabulously written work! » Jules RENDELL founder of The Get Gospel Team. UK.
« Beautiful work, a lot of beautiful music, a real feeling about the subject. »
Valéry AUBERTIN composer, organist, choir conductor
Saint Mark passion
« We all had a real joy to play your Passion which is very beautiful, very moving and so intense! It was, as part of the liturgy, a great moment. I congratulate you very much for – among other beauties – the quality of your instrumental writing so balanced in all parts of the quintet. It is a rich writing chamber music. All sounds magnificently ». Gerard MONTMAYEUR, violinist.
« That’s the surprise. How can I tell the astonishment which, from Palm Sunday, is still with me after that I was offered to hear your passion according to Saint Mark in the cathedral of Autun, besides the stunning performance of Thi-Link Truong, so full of audacity! To you this verse from Psalm 62: « God has spoken once, twice have I heard » to prove – if proof were needed – that slow and penetrating music inspired (but what is inspiration?) has accomplished its mission: to make us finger that through Him, in Him and with Him, we belong to life. For this and for a thousand of other things I thank you with all my heart. «
Jérôme LEQUIME, writer, reporter.
» With Fabien Barxell you established a » Tradition » I’d like to see continue. I would also like it to be more and more common in France. It would be really wonderful for this region to be the origin of a new musical « tradition » of the XXI century. I studied the score: The perfumes, colors and dynamics that come out of your composition … give splendor to your work requires a certain maturity … I have found the spirit of composers whom I love as Franck , Reger and Ropartz … I loved what you wrote and hope to have the pleasure to lead your other passions … I want to have the pleasure of working with you on future projects. « Hugo GUTIERREZ choirmaster, organist, Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois artistic director , Maîtrise de la Cathédrale d’Autun director
Saint Matthew Passion
« I loved your St Matthew Passion. The music I have listened to « seized » me ; the musical setting you offer is right, it really restitues the ambiance of the text … Your music is dense and alive, it creates in me a lot of images or spiritual references. « Dorothée PERREAU singer
Salve Regina
« Me ha resultado pacificadora para mi alma! » Pere RIBERA painter, sculptor / Spain
Schnee, a poem by Erika Burkart for 1,2 or 3 voices and harp:
« The little phrase of snow remains absolutely in memory, it « talks » and that with limited resources. She does not want the grand gesture » Ernst HALTER.
« Patronizing, peaceful and not at all cold. Snow, I would say, expressed as « shelter » Erika BURKART (writer, Prices: Lions Club International, Meersburger Droste, Conrad Ferdinand Meyer of the City of Zurich, Pro Argovia, Ida-Dehmel of GEDOK, Johann-Peter Hebbel-Baden-Württemberg, Literature Prize of the Canton of Aargau, Mozart FVS Foundation, Hamburg, Gottfried Keller Foundation Bodmer, Zurich, Senator of Canton of Aargau), « receive all our esteem for your work« .
Seul dans la steppe
« A beautifull and very musical composition, simple, effective. »
Stéphane SORDET, saxophone (ensemble Sillages) pour ASAX (French saxophonists Association)
She’s so lovely
World’s Premiere (Cincinatti, March 2010) « It was a succes » Gonçalo LOURENÇO
» Thank you for composing this piece! » Rienk BAKKER Dirigent, organist, muziekdocent
« We happen to be very familiar with some of your work, as two of us just finished a series of nine concerts in which your piece Soffio played a major role. We were both very impressed by it. »
Daan van der SCHAFT Manager Pulse Ensemble
« In this year’s project Voices of Nature we performed your composition ‘Un Soffio’ to open our concert. It created silence, calmness and attention. The public experienced it as the sounds of the winds. »
Nederlands Studenten Kammerkoor
« Wonderful piece! Our event went well and people loved your piece! I talked about your story of indigenous people in Alaska, and it really helped everyone to appreciate Soffio. »
Cyril DEACONOFF cond. of Silicon Valley Choral Revolution
« It was a pleasure to work with your composition. As you can see, we used Soffio in the beginning of the concert, creating a misty, misterious atmosphere. I choose not to conduct till the entrance of the tenor and then I conduct just one line. It’s better for the publics sight and the singers have to listen to each other. Also some timings could be better but that’s just the mystic and surprise of every concert; it will be always different. » Kurt BIKKEMBERGS composer, conductor
« Congratulations ! Superb! » Fabien BARXELL conductor
« One has the impression of a visit of our ancestors from the depths of time. » Vincent LAMOUILLE singer
Sous la nuit étoiliée « It’s beautiful and mysterious at once, full of an unshakeable confidence and unwavering hope. Just what we need right now to always move forward ». Michel GRINAND
« A haunting Sonata » Akropolis Reed Quintet USA.
Sui sentieri for violin solo
» Looking forward to put these piece on my repertoire list. » Mirjana NESKOVIC / Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra Assistant Concertmaster / Belgrade / Serbia
Sur la plage allait le ressucité
« How beautiful! » Matthew SHAW contertenor
« Is a true delight to discover this great works. I must tell you with great pleasure that they were happily accepted by the audience. We were very excited with the result… Thanks for these wonderful works. »
Gabriel CHORENS pianist Cuba
Sur le Mont Kenya
« It was good and very modern » parents of Eliott
« I liked « At Mount Kenya » because I thought that the lyrics were very pretty » Sarah
« I loved « At Mount Kenya », »Kilimanjaro » and « Lampedusa » because I loved the lyrics and the melody » Albina
« I liked all the pieces » Zia
« We liked « the song of the Caiman » because the lyrics were funny » Cathy and Elsa
« I liked the song Caiman because of » Ouch walap « and » with cheekiness » Maia
« It was great and the lyrics were well imagined » Eliott
« I loved it because I found original to sing with percussions. The songs were catchy » Manon Lise
« Beautiful songs, great story. It was very nice and fun to sing » Clemence
« Beautiful bright tones in the melodies, an accompaniment of percussion, support of the small choir, which knows to be indispensable and, by its instrumental diversity and its writing, bring incredible sonorous colors in the accompaniment of the voices. What a joy for the students and the conductor who can adopt a new educational approach to each piece due to the different atmospheres, it feels good… Thanks to Jean-christophe ROSAZ for this poetic ensemble. » Maëlle Defoin GAUDET
Talking piano
« I was very sensitive to how your music is concentrated, purified. And so the effectiveness of its dialogue with the texts ». Olivier KASPAR, composer.
Terre jurassienne
» Thank you so much for this masterpiece of yours! I shall treasure this & let my choir Coro San Benildo perform this wonderful music! Thanks & God bless! » Lorenzo C. GEALOGO Coro San Benildo
» So beautiful, thanks for what you bring to this world! Every step of your work makes this world a better place. » Wolfgang SAUS singer / Germany
» Congratulation for this arrangement, I really loved it. » Valeria SZEBELLEDI chorus master / Hungary
« Wonderful music! so « herzenswarm »! Till Alexander KOERBER composer / Austria
» Congratulations! » Nadine ROBIN for IFCM International Federation for Choral Music
The forest speaks to me
« It is absolutely magnificent, your subtle understanding of everything that is at stake through this tune is impressive, first musically, with these syncopated rhythms and these little Amerindian vocalizations, with these crescendo, this time of rest before this flight lyrical and this calm where you come back, different, enriched. Then in the understanding of my voice, because you offer her first of all the seat, the roots, then a trunk, then finally a tessitura of upper fifth which remains well anchored and which occurs after a time of vocal rest. Finally, and it is already present in the previous sentence, one has the impression that you are building this air like the season of a growing tree. » Vincent KARCHE
The Saying of the Most High
« … is a very enchanting song. we will keep in mind your beautiful music and writing ».
Jonathan PLOEG tenor & conductor Olga Vocal Ensemble / NL
Three wise monkeys
» Podría se la banda sonora de un evocador y entrañable sueño. » Pere RIBERA
« Looks fantastic, everything! » António CARRILHO
« It’s really a magnificent piece! » Marion FERME
Tiebie Poiem
« Your music is very rich and profound. I really liked it. It’s amazing how well you understand and use the orthodox flavour. Thank you for introducing me to your music. I wish you all the best, and maybe one day I will have the opportunity to perform some of your works. »
Silvia TABOR Artistic Director, conductor of Orchestre interculturel de Montréal.
Triptico – on the other side of the ocean
« Bravo, Jean-Christophe for this fascinating journey, at once familiar and strange. Some photos seemed too wise compared to the density of the music, but that’s not what matters. What matters is the imaginary path that takes your music. » Michel GRINAND
Trois chansons jurassiennes
« Aline’s song is superb! I am extremely pleased with the compositions you gave me. It’s beautiful, inspiring, intelligent, formative, subtle. »
Philippe KRÜTTLI Director of the School of Music of the Bernese Jura (EMJB) Switzerland.
Trois Ecrins
« Lieber Jean-Christophe ! Sehr stimmungsvoll,sehr guter komponist bist du! » Georg KAPLAN
Trois états de la comète Halley
« Thrilling! We love the variety of colors and textures used to capture the essence of space – from cold and mysterious to glorious and majestic. Bravo! » Greg ANDERSON & Elisabeth JOY ROE piano duo
« I enjoy the music and video very much! » Kathrin ALTWEGG astrophysician Switzerland
« It sounds wonderful, congrats! » Justin DeHart LAPQ
« Bravo for the piece! » Pascal PONS percussioniste
Two on the road
« Nice! » Thierry BARBE
Un sueno maya
» Congratulations dear Jean-Christophe, Carmen and Erick. It is a very beautiful piece and an excellent job of performing, recording and audiovisual editing. » Guillermo EISNER Doctor en Música campo de Composición Musical en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Vêpres du Puy children’s voices and harp
« Thanks for this composition that serves the song of the soul, I assure you of my very grateful prayer. » Monseigneur Henri BRINCARD, bishop of Le Puy en Velay.
Windway, recorder:
“Many thanks for you piece and congratulations for your work!”
Antonio POLITANO (recorder) Italy-Switzerland
» Windway is a very beautiful piece » Claire ROTTEMBOURG traverso USA
« I really like your musical contemplation of nature, it speaks to me. » Marion FERME
« I was very happy with the opportunity of playing your music. It was an inspiration for my whole program. I made it about the wind, the birds and what we can hear in nature. These elements always inspire me when playing recorder because I believe that as recorder players we can produce a lot of different sounds that resemble this environment. I played your piece on a soprano Adriana Breukink dreamflute and the sound worked perfectly ».
Ana FIGUEIRAS recorder Prize Mieke Van Weddingen International Recorder Competition.
» I liked Windway so much, really connected! » Carmen TRONCOSO UK / Chili
» Hauntingly beautiful piece! » Chester BREZNIAK clarinet USA
Ya Hadiran
« Lovely piece! » Logan FELLENSTEIN Choral Graduate Assistant at University of Louisiana / Lafayette USA
« Magnificent! » Mathilde VITTU art. dir. Amwa Choir / Palestine
Has received the congratulations of personalities in the music world as Serge NIGG, Gilbert AMY,
Jean-Louis FLORENTZ, Nicolas BACRI, François VERCKEN, Kazushi ONO, Jonathan DARLINGTON.
Que nos voix s’élèvent
collection of hymns published in Collection P. Lethielleux chez BUCHET/CHASTEL, 2000.
» Warm Thanks for this wonderful collection of your liturgical compositions. »
Frère Bernard, chantre de l’Abbaye de Cîteaux.
« Thank you for the beautiful album of songs at the service of beauty and prayer; we will certainly make it known to other communities. « Monastère des dominicaines de Notre Dame de Chalais.
« Thank you for your collection of songs, I’m happy to discover them. »
Frère Jean-Marie, chantre de la Communauté de Taizé.
« How wonderful is this book so well presented. I warmly thank you and be assured of our gratitude. «
Prieure du Monastère du Carmel de Chambéry.
« A undeniable personal talent . Nothing is trivial « Jean-Paul LECOT, Organiste du Sanctuaire de Lourdes et Directeur Artistique du Festival International de Musique Sacrée de Lourdes.
« I just read this fine book and I am delighted that you found a publisher, I certainly make it known around me, including Trirem and the Institute of Sacred Music of Lyon. Didier RIMAUD.
« A wonderful collection of beautiful liturgical chants: congratulations for this fine work. I regularly frequent the monasteries for six years and I think these songs will be very popular for offices. »
Martial RALAHIAVY, responsable musical du Centre Sèvres, Facultés Jésuites de Paris.
« It is fortunate that original voices are heard in the liturgical music – or its borders. And we rejoice when such a voice propose compositions available to small groups or more larger communities, singing in unison or equal voices, with or without accompaniment. Many appreciate the modest tone of the proposal, the freedom of verbal rhythm, the modal and tonal colors, and, above all, a certain spirit of a deep meditation and prayer, both personal and liturgical. May be heard in the voice of the Church, the song of the bride to her Beloved! « Préface de Joseph GELINEAU S.J.
St John’s Passion
« The Church of St. Roch hosted on Saturday evening the Choir of the Conservatory of Briançonnais, accompanied by the Ensemble Instrumental Haut-alpin and a set of soloists. They offered to the audience an authentic musical world premiere around the St John Passion, part of the eponymous gospel. This creation of the composer Jean-Christophe Rosaz was conceived on the occasion of the tercentenary of the church of Briançon. Leading us through the universe of the biblical text and narrating the famous night when Jesus was delivered to the Romans, the work carried its audience into a sacred world where the human and the divine come together to offer emotional and sentimental depth . The instrumental ensemble composed of winds, brass and strings perfectly accompanied the work, giving to the ensemble a subtle tone of lyricism and beauty. » Gap Express April 9, 2018
Ombre et lumière for mezzo-soprano, choir & piano by Jean-Christophe Rosaz is a lyrical « tour de force » with liturgical impulses, Slavic echoes with a lunar singing interpreted in a full of life and fairy way by Antonia Cosmina Stancu. The Madrigal choir of Paris is the other essential talent for this intriguing nocturnal round. » François Cavailles Anaclase november 2017
St Matthew Passion Autun, April 2011
It was the desire of Bishop Benoit Riviere to give to the liturgical experience an even greater force for a Passion sung in several voices. Following the creation last year of a St Luke Passion composed by J.-C. Rosaz, the cathedral’s choir renewed the experience with the same happiness, singing under the direction of F. Barxell the St. Matthew Passion. The music emphasizes the drama whith a great sobriety, the composer ensuring to create a different atmosphere but still in great fidelity to the text. in La Gazette du Morvan Tuersday april 19 2011. « This new year is under the sign of the thirtieth anniversary of the classification of the Abbey World Heritage Site by Unesco. Interpreted in an inaugural series through Burgundy: Fontenay Abbey, Cathedral of St. Lazare Autun, Cathedral of St. Vincent de Mâcon, Saint-Pierre d’Auxerre and giving the kickoff of the cultural season 2011 Abbey of Fontenay, the St. Matthew Passion is at the height of the event » Aynard François, Director of the abbey. in Le Bien Public Friday, April 15, 2011.
A concert at the Abbey of Fontenay: great acoustics
Everything was exceptional that day, inspired music, the singers with high voices in color, excellent musicians to accompany them, emphasize the voice, with simplicity, emotion … A great adventure for a great meeting with a captivated audience.
in Le Bien Public Wednesday 27 april 27, 2011.
Fascination Rennes, May 2011
« from the short story, Feu Intérieur by Célia Toxé student Terminale. A very emotional moment for the young writer and intense pleasure for listeners. An experience to renew to promote both the enjoyment of writing and contemporary music. » in WebSite Lycée Chateaubriand, Rennes.
St. Luke Passion, Autun, March 2010
« … JC Rosaz was able to meet the expectations of Bishop RIVIERE, bishop of Autun and Mr BARXELL, chorusmaster… the score is closer Lutheran passions in the seventeenth century, notably those of Schütz. Burning in their concise, sharp without overflow, without dramatic repeat. The music is completely absorbed by the Gospel text that appears new and deeply challenging. »
in Church in Autun, Chalon and Macon, March 5, 2010.
« That passion has just a little more sublime this poignant text recounting the last hours of Christ. »
Norbert Estienne (PLC), in Le Journal de Saone-et-Loire, March 29, 2010.
« The project a long time cherished by Fabien Barxell to find the partition that would integrate well with the liturgy has culminated with the passion written by JC Rosaz … organ, cello supporting the words of Christ, soloists providing dramatic relief by the variety of interventions, the full choir at ease in carrying out a dense and varied, all of which helped to give full meaning to those moments of live music. «
M-C. P. in La Gazette Morvan, March 30, 2010.
« … The score written in language easily accessible, shows that we can resume smoothly with the expectations of today’s liturgy. » Church in Autun, Chalon and Macon, April 9, 2010.